
Currently Inspiring Me to Make a Sandwich

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I love inspiration boards. Or, more specifically, I love the Ikea magnet boards over my desk that allow me to justify purchasing a lot of extraneous stuff. (For example: Mike: "Uh, why do you need all these Dada art postcards?" Me: "Duh, it's for my inspiration board! It helps me!" Mike: [slightly dumbfounded, pays for postcards].)

Mine (snippets seen above) is currently featuring a lot of photos from Andre Kertesz (whose exhibit I saw and loved at the ICP last year), photos found at Chinese flea markets, and Sasiko paper doll magnets from Playground!, my very favorite store in Bangkok. But I'm thinking it needs a bit of sprucing up, and love the idea of Frau Liebe's Paper Plaisir ($18), a little bag filled with completely unique vintage paper goods. Kind of like an inspiration board in a bag:

There's also a flickr group devoted entirely to photos of inspiration boards, which are quite fun for a click through.


Lisa Riley said...

I've always loved "bulliten boards"/inspiration boards/collages of any kind... they are like works of art.

Anonymous said...

Browsing through and what a surprise to see my flickr group Inspiration Boards mentioned! I was actually scrolling around trying to figure out if you had a flickr account so I could ask you to post your board to the group -- ha -- and didn't notice at first you were talking about the group. Funny. :^)

Anonymous said...

so ... is your board on the group? :^)

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