Currently coveting, part 8 of 672
These owl-print Keds, designed by Eleanor Grolsch, are the cutest shoes I have seen in a long time. I'd bet the Japanese kids love them. I see myself pairing with cute vintage sundresses and running around town comfortably, for a change. I have been talking about them so much that a certain boyfriend has agreed to buy them for a certain upcoming birthday, if only to get me to stop talking about them, I think.
Also available in adorable seahorses and slightly-less-cute llamas (I mean, sherpa lining? really?). And at $40, so much more reasonably priced than the shoes in the Zero Maria Cornejo Keds line, (below) which are also very cute but highly unaffordable. I mean, they're still Keds.
where can you buy Eleanor Grosch Women’s Keds - Black Owl
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