
Valentine's Day! (For those of you who celebrate it...)

Friday, February 10, 2012

So, we're all like "Valentine's Day bah humbug," but that doesn't mean you have to be. Our pick for a great gift (hint, hint) is H.Bloom's Simon Doonan bouquet, complete with vase by Simon's hubby Jonathan Adler and Simon's fab new book. We had the chance to meet them both last week here in D.C. and they are just the cutest. (Plus, Jonathan and I went to the same high school... We bonded over Delaware stories.)

Here are Jonathan and Simon, being sweet and fabulous... It is hard to be bah-humbuggy around them...

Vintage! Getcher vintage!

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

As promised, D.C. folks: In my move to NYC (next Friday!), I am purging my wardrobe of some fabulous vintage finds, so I can actually fit myself into my tiny Manhattan apartment.
What's sad for me is great for you:
First, this Saturday 2/11, at Cork Market (1803 14th St. NW) we'll be holding a Butler & Claypool vintage pop-up shop from 11am-5pm. It will be BANANAS. Come by, say goodbye, and shop your little vintage-loving heart out.
Then, just in case you can't make that, we (Spinach Vintage) will be popping up again at Mimilah (above Miss Pixie's) the following Thursday, 2/16, from 5-8pm. There will be wine and stuff, plus some very choice vintage items that I'm saving just for that night. 
Share the news! Hope to see you Saturday (or Thursday!)...

Sh*t People Moving to NYC Say

Monday, February 06, 2012

"I'm paying twice as much for half the space!"

 "I'm so frustrated, I'm considering Midtown East."

 "This is really considered a bedroom?"

 "Maybe I don't actually NEED a kitchen."

"This is the best city in the whole wide world, and I can't wait to live here."

All of these things have come out of my mouth this weekend, because — in case you missed it on the Twitter — I'm moving! To New York! In less than two weeks! (Hopefully, if all new apartment matters/moving issues are resolved quickly...) I am excited for the jolt of inspiration it will give the blog, and I'm excited to go back to one of my very favorite places in the world.

For you D.C. folks, there will be a massive blow-out Butler + Claypool vintage sale this coming weekend (Feb. 11-12) as I work to cull my wardrobe to fit into a tiny Manhattan apartment. You DON'T want to miss this.

For the rest of you, stay tuned! Exciting adventures and new fashion inspirations are on the immediate horizon. We are so excited!