In my defense, I told you it might get quiet around here for a bit. It is just one of those crazy life-work-life/work transition times where energy runs low and blogging – not to mention shopping, devouring magazines and adding to my fashiony wishlist -- moves to the bottom of the "to do" list. It is also January/February, that gray time of year when stores are having insane markdowns on the last remnants of the picked-over winter merch, but the fresh, new, spring-y stuff seems totally silly to buy when there's still snow on the ground. I hate this time of year from a fashion perspective.
Until! My issue of New York Magazine's bi-annual fashion supplement
Look arrived yesterday, and – as usual – it's pretty brilliant. (It was also stop publishing after this, which makes me very sad.) Though it's pretty reader-friendly – profiles, info, breaking down trends in a simple, graphic way – it always has a great artsy component to it that I rarely see elsewhere, like documentary photographer
Benjamin Lowy's backstage chronicles from across the four fashion weeks. Here's just a few snippets of what he captured. When you're done here, I might suggest
Alexander Wang's fash week diary too.
And now, I return to busyness and dreaming of spring… Despite my claims above, I totally broke down and bought a silky shorts onesie yesterday. The salesperson was trying to convince me to wear it with tights, but I might just hold out for actual bare leg season. Warm weather can't come soon enough…

More soon, I promise! There is a light somewhere at the end of this tunnel…