Announcements, Announcements, Announcements!*
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
First announcement: I am not dead! Hurrah! In fact, I have just been on an extended vacation, which involved the following: my brother visiting from Delaware, snorkeling in Japanese shipwrecks, Balinese beachiness, so much Red Bull, a very Bangkokian New Year's (thankfully, far from any bombings) and a very severe bout of food poisoning in the middle of northern Thailand. Let it be said: If you have to get severe food poisoning in the middle of Thailand, it should always be while you are staying at the fabulous D2 hotel. Distracting in-room DVD players and toilets clean enough to barf in! (Let it also be said: The D2 was not the cause of my food poisoning. That was the vile Arun Residences in Bangkok, and you should never, ever go there, unless you want to feel like you are going to die for 24 to 36 hours.) In any case, it's good to be back.
Second announcement: The Swirl Swap Swop returns! This Sunday, Jan 14 at 2pm, kids. Be there or be square. (We will, sadly, be out of town, most likely gambling away our fashion fund at The Wynn. Or maybe getting lucky and increasing it!)
(If you have also sent me an e-mail that might merit an announcement, please bear with me for a few more days. I'm still working my way through my very full inbox!)
Third announcement: In my new job, I am looking for an assistant-type person. I only write this here because I know many of you are super-cool, stylish, living-in-Singapore types, and that's exactly what I'm looking for. In any case, if you are a recent college grad, love online shopping, fashion, trends, pop culture and all the other stuff we tend to discuss here, please send me a note and I'll provide you with more details about the position.
Fourth announcement: I desperately covet the Orla Kiely greenberries laptop bag from Anthropologie. (Yes, still. It will be perfect for new work laptop!) I am refusing to pay full retail price for it, given Anthropologie's shady history of marking things down in stores way before they're reduced online. (I mean, that Orla Kiely dress? Still $220 online when we *all* know it was less than $100 in stores months ago.) Anyhoo. If you are in your neighborhood Anthropologie sometime soon, and see this bag for a more reasonable amount, will you let me know?
Oh, but of course I can't stay mad at Anthropologie for long. How cute are the dresses above, all from their new collection?
Fifth announcement: Happy New Year! Gosh, geez, 2007. I have a feeling it's going to be a great year, despite the fact that it was kicked off with bombings and very bad food poisoning. It can only go up from here. Right?
*To be sung in the trumpet style, like we used to in summer camp. Please.
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