Boy, I do hate those weeks when its suddenly Friday and I realize I haven't checked in with y'all on the blog. It's been a crazy-busy couple of days. Let's recap!
+ I got a new haircut! Photos are forthcoming, but I loooooove Chris at new U Street salon
Parlour. We are moving solidly in a Katie Holmesian direction. Two thumbs up!
+ Like a good little groupie, I've been following my Favorite Band Ever,
the Old 97s, through the mid-Atlantic region this week. First up was Tuesday at the 9:30 Club, with super-cute opening band
The Spring Standards, which was sold out and seriously crowded but a rocking good show. (We were sliiiightly late after being sidetracked by Drag Queen Bingo at nearby
Nellie's, which I totally want to go back for next week. Takers?) Last night we caught the band at the Bottle & Cork in Dewey, which was just fantastic because you could basically walk right up to the stage and rock with Rhett. (Who I thought might pass out, he was rocking so hard.) Plus, I haven't heard "Wish the Worst" in concert in for-ev-er (although my request for "Singular Girl" was completely dismissed by Ken). Still. Good times, good times.
+ Oh, and then there was the Ice Cream Social! I ended up inviting my neighbors up to the roofdeck to polish off all that Edy's, and it was waaaay fun.
+ Plus! Project Runway! What did you think? Here's
my recap.
+ Oh and finally! I've got the cover story in the style section of the
Washington Post Express today (unfortunately, no pics online). I haven't seen it myself yet, 'cause I'm still at the beach. But can you guess which thrifted ensemble is mine?
+ Excuse me, I have to go have
Thrasher's now.