On my thrifting excursion the other week, I came across a slew of beaded necklaces. They were all individual pieces, but just happened to be sorted by complimentary colors—shades of pinks and purples together on one hook (like a gorgeous Bali sunset) and pale blues, green and gray on another (so cool and calming). I loved the hues together and so after I bought them (for about $1 each) and got them home, I hooked them all together to create two big necklaces that I could easily throw on whenever I wanted. I think the results are really pretty—and, as they say, the price is right.

Pardon the plain white tee. I could tell you that I wanted to show them off on a basic background, but the truth is, I haven't bothered to change out of my jammies today.
love it! it really looks best when paired with a basic one-toned shirt!!!
actually, i think it looks great with a plain white t...
i'm inspired!
i love these. i never would have noticed these but they look amazing on!
I love these beads - great for summer!!
Ooooh, these are gorgeous! Now cross your fingers that I find something similar at the Alameda Flea Market this weekend.
They look beautiful! (and your sincerity is completely disarming ;) I wouldn't have known it was a jammies story... ;) )
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