
A great show of spring fashion

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

So they're really keeping me busy over there at Up today is the first part of my coverage of Marymount University's senior fashion show last week—snaps of some of my favorite outfits worn to the pre-show reception and luncheon. (Can you believe that maxi dress at the bottom left is from Victoria's Secret? And on sale? It seriously looked amazing in person. Also, I may have come home and ordered one for myself immediately. {Update} Unfortunately, the dress they sent is not the one that they had pictured on the page before. {It appears the link has since been updated since my order.} Maybe I missed the fine print somewhere? In any case, boooo.)

The whole event was great fun: I got to swap stories with Cynthia Rowley (my Q&A with her will go up tomorrow) and catch a really cool runway show (which will be posted about on Friday. Several of the designers created great tulle pieces, so I was pretty deliriously happy.) Oh, and did I mention that Christian Siriano was there? He is so incredibly tiny and seemed like tons of fun. (Plus! He and Nina Garcia will be on Ugly Betty tomorrow night. It looks hilarious.)


Anonymous said...

I love Christian! He's probably really annoying in real life but he makes perfect TV! :)

Ms. Spinach said...

Can you believe I haven't actually seen PR season 4 yet? (I know, I know... it's crazy!) I missed it when I was abroad, and decided not to watch it until I'd finished season 3, which I haven't, because one of my dvds is scratched, etc. etc. etc. Really, there is just no excuse.

Cutebee said...

Thaks for The victoria maxi dress it.

Joanna Goddard said...

christian is so adorable! he's everywhere at once in nyc, always in the party pages. what fun!!

Kelly said...

I haven't seen PR 4 either, but this picture makes me want to!

Anonymous said...

Love the floral outfits, perfect for Spring.

Unknown said...

Laidback sunny fashion is more like it! Spring florals by Diane Von Furstenberg and Graham and Spencer are all the perfect way to indulge your inner flower child while still favoring your very particular fashionista. Sweeping gowns to short shift dresses allow for everyone to find that floral flounce that fits them perfectly. I know I’m up for this blooming trend!

Ana said...

Love the looks you posted! And the Christian sighting...I am so envious!

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