One of my favorite moments in movie history is the gorgeous Ascot scene from My Fair Lady. Costume designer Cecil Beaton's amazing black and white dresses and oversized, fully plumed hats (plus gray morning suits and silky top hats for the men) come together to create an incredibly drool-worthy fashion moment. (And oh! The perfectly precise choreography! I can't find the whole scene online, but you can get a short glimpse here.)

My love for this scene is probably one of the reasons why I jumped at the chance to join my friends in Nashville for the annual Iroquois Steeplechase in a few weeks. I'm told that large hats and fun race day dresses are encouraged. (And I definitely need some spectator binoculars!) My thrifting eyes are peeled until then. I can't wait!
How did I forget that Cecil Beaton designed the costumes? I've always loved his photography and have kept meaning to pick up his diaries for ages.
I remember watching this scene in elementary school and being completely bowled over and in awe of the decadence of giant headwear and the mounds of lacy ruffles. I've definitely dreamed of being some blue blooded lady at a horse race, sipping mint juleps in my fantastically impractical outfit.
Wish I was able to attend Steeplechase this year - although invited, I have to attend a wedding instead :( Have fun!
Oooh. Cecil Beaton's diaries? That sounds like one for the Amazon Wishlist.
lovely! enjoy your day and we're waiting for your pics. (:
I love this scene, too. The costuming is incredible (as well as the choreography!). Have fun searching for your race-day attire! I look forward to more posts about it!
FUN! I can't WAIT to see what you end up wearing... please document and share with us!
my favourite scenes too!
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