Toward the conclusion of The Hills' premiere last night, my reaction was something along the lines of: I wasted an hour* of my night on this? {And, to be clear: I never, ever say things like that. I am, after all, a girl who actually owns her own copy of the Britney classic Crossroads and still watches every time it's on TV. Ditto for just about every teen movie ever made, including a slew that star Lindsay Lohan. And also that Mary Kate and Ashley chased-around-NYC-by-Eugene-Levy disaster. Okay, now I'm just embarrassing myself.}
In any case, I was about to call it all an overly contrived wash (well, except for those Crillon Ball debutante dresses; those were incredible) until Lauren leapt off her hairy Paris suitor's trusty Vespa and displayed the back of her coat as they awkwardly hugged goodbye.
And there was a *bow*. And it was **amazing**. And really, it saved the whole hour for me. Of course, I had to immediately break out the digital camera and the Tivo pause feature and try to snap it as best I could so we could gush together.

Plus, did you catch how the coat had such a great swingy shape? Oh no? Well then, it's your lucky day because I stopped my Tivo for that too.

*Well, actually, it was more like two hours wasted, since I also watched the old episodes they showed leading up to the premiere. Plus, I also recorded the Mariah Carey after-performance, which I haven't watched yet but I'm sure I will eventually succumb to, just because Mariah was so ridiculous during the pre-show interviews and I'm kinda curious. And so that's like another 20 minutes of silly fluff on top of everything else. Which is a teensy bit depressing. But, of course, I'll totally watch it again next week.
Two reasons why I watched this last night -
1 - I am taking my first trip to Paris in 2 months
2 - That bow. The jacket was in the preview and I had to see the jacket. It is amazingly, super, super, cute.
Aside from that, I too wasted an hour.
that bow drew me in too. i had to watch because of the bow. now i am in need of a jacket with a bow. sigh...
that bow drew me in too. i had to watch because of the bow. now i am in need of a jacket with a bow. sigh...
My sister is absolutely in LOVE with that coat, but I couldn't find it anywhere (she sent me the preview of this show on YouTube a few months back). Anybody know who it's by? -the DCGF
that jacket draw me in too...
you could check this link for the clothes they wore on the episode, but they didn't mention about that coat, but the other plaid coat lauren wore...
That coat is by Moschino - very cute.
The episode was horrible. "have ew seen ze eiffel towearrr?" Please, what native Parisian wants to go there? And she ruined that beautiful pleated dress, but oh wait, she got another free dress with no problem! And then she had total prom up-do hair at the Crillon Ball.
I wish they would have shown more of the Crillon dresses...some of them looked amazing.
Yes, it was SO BAD! But I totally agree, amazing coat. & I will also totally be watching it again next week. Once a week is just long enough that you forget how bad it is. I think that's the secret of most shows.
You watch so we don't have to ;- )
All the other commenters are right. The bow was in the preview for the ep for like a second. It made my heart flutter and I immediately txted my friends to say- "Lauren's coat in Paris! The bow on the back!"
I wonder how long before the Lauren's new hair becomes a trend. The side part fringe plait thing she's got going on nowadays. It's cute.
Reading all the comments makes me laugh! All week I've had a Hills-marathon and I loved it, I was living my life. The clothes were fabulous, the lifestyle was gorgeous and the drama was dramatic. And most of all, we all love Lauren! So yes, the jacket was great, the last episode was wonderful and the dress... oh the dress... it was amazing! Me want it! Where's it from?
Don't waist a minute of your time on the Mariah after show thing, its absolutely unwatchable!!! Someone needs to tell her its 2008 and to loose the 1992 look.
Haha! I own Crossroads and A New York Minute. I actually thought Crossroads wasn't that bad. I just like feel good movies, the whole vibe teen dramas/comedies give off.
Ha! I thought the same thing(s). I don't mean to sound snobby, but it was really refreshing to see Lauren dressed so well. Especially if she wants a career in fashion, right?
The coat is so cute.
I have been waiting months just to see that coat.
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