
If it's not big bows, it's big collars!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

{Er, you'd tell me if I was becoming way too predictable, right?}

It's no surprise that I instantly loved the collection of detailed yet simple spring coats from Montreal-based fashion line Soia & Kyo, found via Spray Glue. This Lotta-S asymmetrical trench ($265) is my absolute favorite. Clean lines, slightly quirky, pretty much perfect.


Anonymous said...

I love this whole big collar craze that is happening. Soia is a great company.

Anonymous said...

I love this whole big collar craze that is happening. Soia is a great company.

The Maiden Metallurgist said...

I can't get enough big collars and neck ruffles.

cnishi said...

You'll like their winter coats as well then. I have 2 winter coats by soia&kyo; one black wool one that is similar to the photo you posted and a short brown tweed with big buttons and brown velvet elbow pads. Both complete with big collars. I love them!

Marissa said...

I have a ridiculously awesomely high-collared jacket I got in Italy in December. It was way expensive (damn Euro), but so worth it. The collar is clutch on windy days. *sigh*

K.Line said...

I own a fantastic S&K winter coat with the same neckline. It's so flattering, warm and comfortable. I bought it in an end of season sale for 200.00 - it was a steal.

Anonymous said...

this dress is too cute!

Sally Jane Vintage said...

The collar on that coat is to die for!

Elizabeth said...

Big bows, big collars, they're both cute. What's not to like?

a side order of style said...

as the eighties went, bigger = better.
viva la big-things.
-jae, SOS

Suzy said...

I can see why you like it, it is pretty much perfect!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful coat. I love it.

Anonymous said...

A true beaut!

odilean said...

Soia & Kyo is sold at Marshalls and Filene's Basement--very discounted. There are a lot of trenches there now.

Dianna said...

i adore soia & kyo and big collars (and bows, of course)!

JuliaFuentes said...

so beautiful :)

Ms. Spinach said...

oh, odilean, i believe you have just inspired me to get to filene's asap!

s said...

wow thats so gorgoeus. love it=) also thanks for taking a picture of laurens jacket, i fell in love with it when i was watching the hills.

Laura McLaws Helms said...

Your blog and that coat are both so cute!

fleur_delicious said...

there was a sweater-coat offered by anthropologie last year (the august catalogue featured it) that was very like this. Same sort of collar, and same asymmetric button placket. I actually copied it for myself. Nice to see this look has some staying power, because I LOVE my coat.

Joanna Goddard said...

this is stunning. great find. xo

Anonymous said...

I love coats with unusual necklines and details, I stumbled on the website earlier today!

Erin said...

I think it's even sexier if a woman covers up more with a collar like this one than if she's pulling out the typical wrap or button-up coat. Makes me think of this woman I saw at an art show recently in a big collared-dress. I went up to her and said how much I loved her outfit and her response? "wow! I think I looked so frumpy tonight but you're the 3rd person to say that!"

TIG said...

This trench is amazing.

TIG said...

This trench is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say thanks for this post - I just ordered this trench - it was impossible to resist! Although thanks to other readers for the Filene's Basement tip too - will check them out as well.
Love your blog - just returned from a visit to DC and thought of you although I didn't have time to check out all the fabulous shopping tips - another reason to return :)

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