If the metro D.C. area has an advantage fashion industry-wise, it's that it is probably a good barometer for what will work in average America. Which is probably why it was chosen for two outposts of the Neiman Marcus Group's fledgling retail venture, a hip, female-focused store called Cusp that debuted in 2006 (the other two test spots are a suburb of Chicago and L.A.).

I've passed by (and, truthfully, purposely bypassed) the Georgetown location of Cusp more than a dozen times since I arrived in D.C., mostly because the store windows made me think it was a store aimed at teenagers (see above). In fact, it's targeted at fashion-savvy women aged 25-45, and after witnessing several very cute items purchased by others at Cusp, I decided I needed to make a special trip and check it out myself.
I suppose the lesson to be learned here is that you can't always judge a store by its windows. I'm still not keen on the styling of the shopfront displays, but the racks inside were crammed (and I mean literally quite crammed—it was a little overwhelming) with a wide variety of highly covetable items, including pieces by Marc by Marc Jacobs, Rag & Bone, Phillip Lim, Ella Moss, Nanushka, Manolo Blahnik, Diane von Furstenberg and so much more. I wasn't totally thrilled over the entire selection—there were a lot of skimpy bright jersey dresses that would work better on the teen crowd, and {if I may be frank} I really wouldn't mind if I never, ever had to see that ubiquitous Tory Burch logo again—and it was definitely on the expensive, $300-average-price point side of things. Still, I couldn't help but drool a bit as I strolled around the store.

Now here's a fine example of why I might have been confused for so long about what to expect: I'm pretty sure no fashion-forward 25 to 45-year-old woman who's stocking up on sleek little Marc Jacobs dresses is also looking to layer strappy tanks over whale-printed tees. No?

Of course, I then did what any self-respecting style lover would do: Dressing room fashion shoot! Here are a few of my favorite pieces available in the store:

From left: That's a Vera Wang Lavender Label printed dress, which is a perfect option for the artsy trend this spring. Love the oval neckline and painting-like print.
Then we have the Marc by Marc Jacobs bow-tie dress, which has a fab A-line shape. It's everywhere this season, but for good reason.
I was pleasantly surprised by this Nanette Lepore retro-style dress. Love the sophisticated, 50s-style cut with an unexpectedly cool print.
Finally, this drapey Ella Moss top in green stripes unexpectedly caught my eye. Throw a little shrunken blazer over it and add a cool vintage pendant necklace, and I think it would be a great, infinitely wearable piece.
And here's what they look like on me:

I'm sticking too a pretty tight budget these days, so I didn't end up splurging on anything. {Yet.} Right now, I'm saving any leftover pennies for that Tracy Reese dress.
You look divine! I so wish you could have bought these goodies...
You look good in all of them! I like the MJ dress the best, and the Vera Wang the least.
Everything is SO adorable! I love it all....
same here. I passed by cusp several times before I realized I might actually find something age-appropriate inside. was pleasantly surprised but all spent out. my credit card rolls over tomorrow though! here's hoping for good shopping weather this weekend.
You look fantastic in all of them, I really wish you could have gotten all of them. My personal favorite is the Nanette Lepore .
you have some serious will power because those dresses are all divine! love the nanette - such a sucker for her cuts.
I would lose my mind in that store!
what kind of skinny jeans are those? really love the wash...been trying to find similar pair...and love that top with them! i say...treat yourself to all 4 looks :)
The jeans are from the Gap. (I am a huge Gap jeans person -- after several unsuccessful forays into the world of designer denim, I am back to my $60-and-under Gap jeans.)
I think these were on sale around Christmas, but they tend to have a lot of different styles so there's probably something similar in the store. Buy slightly small -- they do stretch after a wear or two.
And the best part: vanity sizing! I'm always one size smaller at the Gap, and it really is a nice l'il boost.
I actually prefer the Cusp at Tysons to the Cusp in Georgetown. The one in Georgetown really does seem like it's selection is aimed towards a younger audience (ie: affluent gtown students). The Cusp at Tysons has a smaller selection but more brands that I myself would actually wear. And if I had to pick between Barney's Co-op and Cusp, it's Barney's Co-op all the way! In my opinion, Barney's blows Cusp out of the water!
That Ella Moss shirt looks amazing on you!
Cusp Georgetown is a fabulous store-a beautiful store, great sales people, and all the most stylish "it" clothes and accessories. I find Barney's Co-op a bit dull and unimaginative (clothes look like BR). The window displays have vastly improved lately at Cusp-they must have a new visual display person. I find walking around Cusp better than reading any fashion magazine. Also, they have great sales-I have gotten amazing deals at both the Georgetown and Tysons stores-they have a really good blog that lets you know about the sales.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the marc by marc dress, and I see it absolutely everywhere. Especially in my dreams!
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