A little while ago, I'd stumbled across a pic of this gorgeous Blanc de Chine high-necked pleated capelet from their recent F/W collection and instantly fell in love with it. It popped back into my head when I saw the outpouring of love over my own recent cape-wearing escapades (thank you!) and decided to see if I could track it down. Which led me to this very nice Fashiontribes post on Blanc de Chine and their recent Chinese influences. I was so distracted by the pretty cape photo, it took me a few minutes to realize they'd sourced some China photos for the post, and that some of those photos came from my photo blog (I don't mind; they gave me credit!). Small online world, isn't it?
Anyway, we digress. Capes (and capelets) = extreme love in these parts. Fingers crossed that I stumble upon this one on insane clearance somewhere.
That cape is stunning. I hope I find it in an 80% off bin somewhere, too! Thanks for introducing me to such lovely stuff.
oh that is BEYOND.
That cape in the photo is GORGEOUS, wow!
It's a beautiful cape. Congratulations on being sourced!
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