My brother came to town this weekend, which seemed like a great opportunity to do all the D.C. things I never get around to on a regular basis (The Lincoln Memorial! The Smithsonian! Ogling tens of thousands of Harley Davidson enthusiasts who apparently invade the city every Memorial Day weekend with their motorcycles! …Okay, so that last part was kind of unplanned and a tiny bit unpleasant, due to some serious biker-heavy traffic jams.)
One of my favorite parts was checking out the Eero Saarinen retrospective at the stunning National Building Museum (though August 23). It was a great, comprehensive review of his architectural career (along with his famous contributions to furniture design with that iconic pedestal table and chairs for Knoll) and was chock full of oversized photos of his sweeping, futuristic designs from the post-WWII period. Also: Did you know he designed the St. Louis Gateway Arch? Because I did not. In summary: Highly recommended! Four stars. Better than Cats! You get the point…

Um, can we say fabulous conversation pit?

{Photos from here, with thanks.}
*Actually, it's pronounced more like "Air-o", but let's just go with it.
The people on the motorcycles are part of Rolling Thunder (a personal favorite part of Memorial Day in DC) and they're honoring those who fought in Vietnam. A little traffic is easy to deal with for what they aim to do.
Thanks for the head's up on this exhibit. I lurrrrve modern architecture. That's right, lurrrrve.
my ex boss named his dog Eero!
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