So, lots of you often leave me comments and e-mails asking me to be added to the blogroll at the right, and I'm having a very hard time keeping up. So, here is your chance – if you would like to be considered for blogroll inclusion, please leave your blog URL (or, if you're not a blogger yourself, feel free to suggest a blog you think I'd like) in the comments of this post. I'm going to do a blogroll update in the next few weeks and will try to take the time to consider the tons of blogs I've missed so far.
A few notes, while I'm at it. I like to include as many blogs on my blogroll as I can, but I have a few basic criteria:
1) I usually don't add blogs until they've been up-and-running for at least a few months. Too many blogs (including past ones of my own) can die out pretty quickly, and I like to be sure the blogs on my blogroll are established and going strong and not likely to end up having to be removed soon after they're added.
2) Same goes for blogs that don't get updated very frequently. If your last post was in February, you'll probably get nixed.
3) There are other things I look for (attention to grammar, editorial integrity, good writing, pictures of pretty things that get me all excited!) that couldn't possibly all be listed/articulated. Please don't take it personally.
4) Um, and if I add you to my blogroll, it would be pretty nice of you to add me to yours.
That said, I'm looking forward to finding some more good reads! Suggest away!
{Painting of roll via here.}
ms. spinach, i adore reading your posts!
my blog is:
i'd love to be included if you like what you see...
fashion is most definitely my spinach. would love to swap links with you, my dear!
I laughed when I read your post and realised what your picture of a roll meant...cute!
I'd love to be added if you'll have me! :)
I heart Fashion is Spinach! Hopefully you got some love for Agent Lover as well! ;)
Wait, that's a painting? I thought it was real.
My blog: http://styleraven.wordpress.com
so lovely of you!
pretty sure you're already on mine :)
Greetings from Singapore and the Swirl Girls! We'd love to be on your blog roll (you've been on ours from Day One!). Thanks, Ms Spinach!
Hello Ms. Spinach, I just started reading your blog and I love it! I found you through ASJiNE, may it rest in peace, and I've been trying to get a feel for local bloggers :) Take a peep at mine, if you get a moment. It's not as posh as yours, but my grammar is good and I post neat (weird, silly, inexpensive) things frequently. Cheeerio,
Darling at www.martinilifestyle.blogspot.com
Oooh, yay! I love your blog, I don't know if this is creepy (heh probably) but if I lived in DC I think we would be friends :)
Here's my blog, I'd love to get some more readers. (I haven't posted in the past few days because it has been finals week over here...)
And I'd really like to plug my friend alison's blog, she's amazing. She's just generally very arty and creative and wonderful, and her blog is really lovely to read. It's http://connectconnectconnect.blogspot.com. She also has some pretty hilarious side blogs that she keeps running!
Thanks, and once again love your blog!
This is a teaching blog, not a fashion blog, but give it a shot!
This Child Left Behind
would be nice if you'd add us!
I imagine you probably receive tons of requests everyday, thanks so much!
What a great post, would like to be considered for adding to your blogroll. ;-p
Your blog is one of the blogs I look at daily...
I'm here at :
You might like the queens at:
Ooo, pick me! My blog's been up for a couple (two? three?) of months now, and your blog has been on my blogroll for ages.
Um, I feel funny vying (sp?) for you attention...Who am I kidding, I love your spinach. Pick me! Pick me! I'm the chubby kid with a snotty nose who only wants to be picked 2nd to last and loved. www.loosyinthesky.blogspot.com
This is officially exciting.
Um, I feel funny vying (sp?) for you attention...Who am I kidding, I love your spinach. Pick me! Pick me! I'm the chubby kid with a snotty nose who only wants to be picked 2nd to last and loved. www.loosyinthesky.blogspot.com
This is officially exciting.
wow! Some many blogs out there!
Here is mine!
please and thank you!
i've already added you since ages ago...how could i not? you're like one of the queens of blogdom! :D
I'm usually too shy to ask to be added to people's lists but since you've brought it up, this is me:
I'm a UK style/shopping blogger, and over 27 (real age a state secret!). There don't seem to be many of us so I have rarity value :-)
You are already on my daily reads list.
I hope you like what you see:
You are already on my blogroll, you are one of the reasons I got blogging in the first place.
I discovered you through ASJINE, and I love your love for vintage fashion and DIY, plus your writing is grammatically correct and the pictures are clear and pretty.
I can be found at aconnecticutgirl.blogspot.com
- Hayley
I would be love to be included :)
Thanks for asking! I found you via Style Bubble and have been reading Spinach for a few months and enjoying =)
My blog is
love reading your blog! i think http://dcceline.blogspot.com would be a good add! my own blog is http://hydeparkblues.wordpress.com but i'm not the most 'fashionable' person (if anything, i'm the most fashion clueless person from singapore!)
Yes please! Have been a long time reader!
The store is located in Atlanta and would love to have you come by if you are ever down south! xxxkac
I love your blog and would be so happy if you looked at mine!
Thanks :)
hi, i've been reading your blog for awhile now and i would love to be added to your blogroll:)
i'm at girlontheave.wordpress.com
thanks! :)
Hope you aren't regretting inviting this by now!
My blog's only about two months old, but I post very often, and I like to think I post pretty pictures:)
No regrets. This is great! Keep 'em coming!
So many links to look at! (I'm going to try and check them all out myself.)
I absolutely aDORE your blog (it's definitely already on my blogroll) and I always find so much inspiration here! Thanks for keeping us all entertained with your brilliant writing and fabulous finds!!!
I'd be honoured to be considered!
Love your blog -- you already received a place of honor on my link list. :)
If you need a reminder about how cool and fashionable your life is, stop by and take a glance at mine:
http://wickstromadventures.blogspot.com. Awesome name, right? ;)
eee! i just yelped with excitement. i love your blog, hopefully you like mine! from one dc fashionista to another...
Hurrah! Thanks for opening the floodgates, you brave soul. I am an avid reader and would be honored to join your blogroll, Ms. Spinach.
Im a huge fan of your blog and would love to be added :)
Ms. Spinach,
LOVE your site! Spread the DC-love.
hey...i would love to be included! www.guerreirainlondon.blogspot.com
Oh, do I love to talk about shopping. I just did an interview of a shop owner who spends 4 months shopping around Asia and Europe...
Have you shopped Palm Beach???
Cheerio, Ms. Spinach! We'd be honored if you took a little whirl around the old website and added designage to your blogroll.
Well, I have never asked to be added to a blog roll before but since you are a fellow DC blogger I can't resist.
We should meet up sometime too.
My blog is organizingthedistict.blogspot.com
You are already on my blog roll. And I check yours daily!
Talk soon.
I think I caved about the same time you did on the Sharpie multi pack, too good. You should try the Pilot G2 retractable ink rolling ball 12 pen set for an assortment of lovely colors to write with.
You are already on my blog roll, I'd love to be on yours. Thank you for your consideration.
would like to be considered as i love to read your blog. Thanks
Hi, Ms. Spinach. Your blog rocks. I know mine is a travelblog, but I do like to post pretty places and things, so if you've got space, I'd love being featured on your blogroll. :)
This one reviews movies and books mainly, but also comments on other things.
I would love to be added if possible.
Hey Besty, I think I must've "harassed" you about exchanging links before, hehe...hope I make the cut :)
Love your blog as always!
Ma Petite Chou
It would be an honor:)
Ooh I want to play too!
I'm at www.gumdropsdaily.blogspot.com. I'm usually a good poster, but have been down a little lately while dealing with a pet emergency.
Oh I'd love to be added! I hope meet your criteria! Let me know and I'll add you back!
Would love to exchange links with you! Check out my schizo blog: www.styleforme.blogspot.com
I have two blogs, but you can decide which one better suits your needs and I will certainly link back!
I have been a daily reader of your blog for awhile now and would be honored if you gave my blog a peruse!
Love your blog, and would love to swap links. Mine is je ne sais quoi at www.allthingsstyle.blogspot.com.
you've been on mine.
i'd be honored.
hello ms. spinach! i love your blog and would be honored if you included mine in your blogroll. hope you like what you find!
Hey there...quite a list you have already! Well, I'd love to be in your role...!
Really great idea, and quite the lovely list so far. You definitely have your work cut out for you :)
I've been reading your blog for quite some time and I'm a big fan. Love your photography!
My blog is http://chromachord.blogspot.com
The current trend is photography posts. :)
Hi Ms. Spinach. I wouldn't mind you adding my url to your listy:
I'll do my best.
Thank you in advance for checking out my blog, The Baggage Claim (http://thebaggageclaim.blogspot.com/)! I would be most honored to be added to your blogroll.
I love how global you keep things - here's a suggestion from Haifa, Israel:
I love your Asian city shopping info! The Singapore guide was indispensable.
I'd love it if you could add me!
I would LOVE to be added to your blogroll! I, too, love fashion and appreciate correct grammar. I post every day :)
Many thanks,
Thanks for offering.
hi betsy, here's my little project: www.intheskyandontheroad.blogspot.com
thanks for this!
Hello! My blog is www.bonbonatelier.blogspot.com-- I hope you like it!
I'm here to ask you to PLEASE take down the picture of the cinnamon roll. It's hard enough making it through my work day on Pellegrino, egg-whites and salad without having to look at a carblicious pastry dripping in sugary icing every time I upload your site.
Hello Ms Spinach!
I read thedramadiaries.livejournal.com frequently. she doesn't run a fashion blog solely, but i think she works in fashion in singapore. very entertaining posts.
and http://elysesewell.livejournal.com too! Elyse was one of the finalists in ANTM in the earlier seasons. she posts amusing photos of her travels.
hopefully these help!
You've been on my blogroll for two years. :)
I've been reading your blog for over a year. I'd love to be included on your list.
You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.....
If your back scratching needs are already met, that's cool too.
hello ms. spinach,
your blog is thoroughly awesome and interesting! thanks very much for that :)
i would love for you to link to www.weardrobe.com. it's not a blog per se, but we are all about displaying personal styles! it would be great to hear what you think :) have a lovely day!
ok.. so I'm late to jump on the bandwagon.. but I'd love to be considered for your blogroll! I've added you to mine. Your blog is fabulous!
Love your blog ms. spinach. Have only discovered it recently, but I really enjoy your posts. Also travelling to Singapore and KL soon and I am so looking forward to my guided shopping!
My lovely friends and I have a blog here in Australia and we would be so excited if you included us on your blogroll.
I love your blog and I read it the more I can! My blog is about graphic design, video, music and other stuff, so I don't know if you are interested in but tha's the link:
It is written in italian, i apologize but I think that is not so impossible to understand what is about...
thanks, let me know
i love your blog!
would you like to link me and i will link you back?
love form blossomclothingx
Hmm, point number 3 is interesting. Your grammar is impeccable, but you often sound like a 15-year old. Don't take it personally.
I'd love a link ;) I'm afraid I haven't commented much here, but I'm a daily reader :D
Hi Betsy,
Here is our blog for your consideration. We update once a week.
Now, I'm off to get me a cinnamon roll ;>
I don't fit criteria (1) which I agree is a very sensible criteria, so I would not request blogroll addition (I can't remember if you're on mine or not either... oops) but if you would like to read a blog with attention to grammar and pictures of pretty things, it would be lovely if you popped over to my blog.
I love your blog! I love to be included!
Hi, I think I already welcomed you to the DC area. . . but welcome again to the neighborhood (I live in suburbia but am in DC pretty regularly).
PS- Still trying to figure out my link situation (stupid I know). Will probably do that tonight, you'll be on the list. . .
dang. i am hip.
This is really exciting, I love your blog and I would love to be included as I have just come back from a brief blogging hiatus.
thanks :)
Hi Betsy,
Hello from Singapore and... I would love to be included
You may already know this- I've linked you. =)
hello, i´m jo. here you can find my little blog:
crikey, you have a lot to sift through here!
i'd love to get added to your link list -- as a long-time blogger, i've been a fan of your site for ages! joannaxo
Cup of Jo
Wee! You have a lot to go through, Lord knows, so here's another blog to the list of hopefuls. :]
I loooove your blog and would be honored by a link.
hi there!
thx for the be-linkling:
fashion is spinach has been on my blogroll for quite a while now so am looking forward to exchanging links. ;))
have a lovely day
greets from vienna
*FLORA'S BOX editor
Hi, hope I'm not too late! I love your blog, and you've been on my blogroll for awhile. Here's my site (I post on vintage/etsy/diy/budget clothing several times a week):
She's a Betty
Hi, I too hope to be added if it isn't too late!
Hope I am not to late...
Let me know your thoughts, I'd love to exchange links.
Best wishes
Pick me! Pick me!
I would also like to throw my dress ring in the er..ring..please.
Other rapier sharp examples of wit and smooth segues at www.minginsf.blogspot.com
Goodness Me! What a lot of comments. I have to ask you to add my blog as along side style bubble you are the reason I started blogging. I post my fashion thoughts/wants, and what I'm wearing most days.
I can't remember if I already posted a comment here-but I would love to be on your blogroll...you are already on mine! My URL is:
Oh, please add the blog that me and my friend's work on: http://www.goneoutdc.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the consideration! I really enjoy your blog!
Hi, we've linked you some time back cos we fancy your blog at any rate ;) Check ours out - www.tonguechic.com
Oh pick me, pick me!
Fashion is my broccoli.
Oh pick me, pick me!
Fashion is my broccoli.
I hope my blog merits your kind approval! ;)
hi! I was wondering if I would qualify to your blog roll?
oops, i'm probably too late!
but better late than never...heh
love your posts and have been reading for a while now
I've just moved onto blogspot but I've been blogging for a long time now on LJ: http://budding-corsage.livejournal.com/
I do random crafty things when I have the time, love vintage, travelling and beautiful things :)
Have fun ploughing through all the blogs!
It would be wonderful if you added me - I think I've already added you (if I haven't, hopefully by the time you read this, I have). I've loved reading your blog this passed year. Thank you so much for the inspiration!
i am
i am a newbie yes, but am in for the long haul swear on my chloe.
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