After months of handing out business cards with all my now-irrelevant Singapore contact details, the sweet and incredibly talented graphic designer Wendy Frink (who, as you may remember, once surprised me out-of-the-blue with the fabulous header that you see above) agreed to help me design a new one. She sent over a ton of gorgeous options, patiently finalized the idea after I picked out exactly one element of each of those great options (they were all just so cute! how could I choose?) and did lots of handholding because I know absolutely nothing about things like bleeds or eps files or anything else that goes along with actually printing something.
I ordered the cards from PSPrint.com (which they said would take 10 days, but which actually took about three) and they just arrived. And they are *perfect*. A sunshine-y yellow graphic circle design (with the reverse on the back), and so sweetly pretty, and also no longer claming I live in Singapore. Oh, I am so handing these out all over town this weekend. Thank you, Wendy!
Not surprisingly, Commander Robot totally approves.

love love love them. i keep meaning to get cards done...
Eeek!!! Perfect!!! LOVE THEM!!!!!
love the cards! that yellow is such a happy color and the design is simply sublime!
Those are the prettyest business cards I've ever seen. I would be so pleased if someone gave me a business card that cute!
so cute!!! love the pattern and colors, they suit your vibe so well! xo
I love these!
PS) I also noticed some rather lovely tops at Old Navy with the *cutest* bow ties... I loved them sooooo much I had to share because I know you also love bows in any shape or form! So cute...
:) Jen
Love them; they look really great. Have fun!
They're so cute!
I must have missed the entry about your not living in Singapore anymore. Why the move?
Those business cards are so happy and summery looking! I'm loving yellow at the moment.
I've justed tagged you for a meme...hope you'll do it, its fun!
What a gorgeous color! And easy for people to find in a pile of cards!
OMG! So cute! I love them.
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