
Jumping on the Bandwagon

Thursday, July 06, 2006

It's unofficially Cool Old Toy Day here in the blogosphere. Thriftcraft is all about old-school Fashion Plates, which she scored at an estate sale and which I now desperately want for myself. Atelier455 is talking about the spirograph, which I think could make some great t-shirt graphics if I were in any way smart and/or motivated enough to figure that out. And me? I'm thinking about my old Dollypops (available on eBay), which still reside in my parents basement somewhere. You just pop on their clothes (and their bikes! and their dogs!). Even though there were only like six outfits, it kept me mesmerized for hours.

Of course, I can't think about Dollypops without remembering the old commercial, which was set to the tune of that oldie "Lollipop." It's taking all of my willpower not to stick my finger in my cheek to see if I can't still make that perfect Lollipop-popping noise right now. [Oh, forget it. I just did. And I'm happy to report that I'm better than ever.]


Anonymous said...

I love it when these themes emerge just by chance!

Anonymous said...

I usually buy the dofus kamas.
I hope i can get kamas in low price.
Ibuy dofus kamas for you.
dofus gold is present for you.
Do you like cheap kamas?