We spent Wednesday night feting our brilliant author friend Cathy (we have several brilliant author friends, but this is Cathy's big week), who was celebrating the launch of her very fun, funny memoir, Up for Renewal, about devotedly following women's magazine advice for a year.
It was a great party and we chatted all night with fun writer-types and also ate approximately nine pounds of cheese, but our favorite story of the evening was an anecdote Cathy told about her Today Show appearance last week. (Also, apparently Kathie Lee is really pretty in person! Who knew?) There was a small shoe debacle, as the shoes Cathy had set to wear on the show got ruined, and the producers sent her to Barney's and told her to pick out whatever she wanted. Can you imagine? That might just be better than being on national TV. {Of course, I was all "Louboutins! Louboutins!" but apparently, they don't quite fit Cathy's feet, so she ended up with some great sandals. Still. Like a dream come true.}
But we digress. Since we already owned a copy of Cathy's book, we've decided to give away our copy from the party goody bag. All you have to do is leave a comment here with your first name {you might want to include your last initial or your hometown if your name is something really popular—I'd hate to have a situation where I had to mediate between Jessicas} and—in the spirit of the book—your favorite magazine to be entered into the drawing. We offer as an example:
Hi, I'm Betsy, and I'm a Vogue-aholic.
Or perhaps just:
Betsy loves Elle Decoration (UK).
Or maybe:
Betsy. Lucky.
{No, I just cannot decide.}
But wait. There's more! We'll also have a second prize: your very own Sephora's Smokey Eye Kit, which we recently-ish got sent two of. Even if you're not into the smokey eye, you still get a lot of useful makeup brushes, which is totally great.
So, leave your name and mag of choice in the comments; we'll do a drawing in a few days; one of you will be the owner of Cathy's fab book, which is the perfect summery poolside read, and another one of you will be doing your own glam eye makeup in no time.
While we're at it, here's what we wore to the party: Flowered silk Tuleh dress, plucked from the racks at local high-end consignment store Inga's for me by Cathy herself. It still had the Neiman's tags on it, but cost me less than 10 percent of the original price. It is one of my all-time favorites. And yes, I do know that I say that about almost every dress.

Um, I also had a lot of fun playing with the mirrors.
Hi, it's me, Courtney. From Houston. And to pick just one magazine is like sticking a fork in my eye, but if forced, I'll choose the WWD Accessories edition. Only comes out a few times a year, but so worth the wait!
and I'm totally in love with that pink flower frock!
I know this is not fashion-oriented at all, but I love my Cook's Illustrated! -Libby, C'bus, OH
I feel like my Mom would have an easier time choosing a favorite child. (And it CLEARLY wouldn't be me.) Um. Okay. My name is Maggie & I dig Bazaar.
Hi, my name is Michelle. And I'm a Lucky girl.
Hi, I'm Kate H. from Pittsburgh and I love Vogue.
Hi! *wave* I am Huihui Gan from Singapore and I love love love Vanity Fair!
Gorgeous, m'dear!
Leah in CO, and I'd have to say Bust. For the music reviews - I go to blogs for my fashion!
Jan in Seattle. W mag.
My name's Ruth, and I love Blueprint... I'm so sad that it no longer exists.
your new frock is so lovely-- I can already imagine the accessorizing possibilities.
Kiran's one elle-of a girl!
What a perfect dress for summer (and spring) in Washington!
I'm Erika R. and j'aime paris vogue.
I'm Julia and I dig Elle France.
Kimmy S. from NYC and I cannot live without my Vogue Italia (though Lucky is a tie for sure). xox
I'm cristina, from michigan, and i heart blueprint. (even though it's no longer in publication, and the blog is being shut down)
oohhh! so many magazines...do I really have to choose one? ok ok. I guess I will pick one. Jasmine L. hearts British Vogue!!! (but i live here in the DC!)
chai p. hearts nylon
Gorgeous flower dress! British Vogue all the way!
Currently obsessed with the mag I.D. for great design in all industries...Jamie H.
Rene C. MO mommy of two/lover of vintage. I love Lucky (and it is about all I have time to read).;o)
I'm Sandy, and my fav for the last few years has been Nylon, although back in the day I had a great (aspirational) love of Surface (especially because it is from SF, CA!)
Hi, I'm Becca from North Carolina -- I love the pink dress...and the book sounds FAB! Mag of choice would have to be Vanity Fair.
Hi, Steph F. from MA. I loved Blueprint too, and was disappointed to find their blog shut down today. Others here liked it too...wonder why it ended? LOVE your dress, it's adorable on you!
Hi! I'm Leanne from Manitoba and i heart Vogue :)
Hi, I'm Karissa in Indianapolis. I really like lots of mags. I'll pick Real Simple today.
I'm Christine R. of Yellow Springs, and I really love to read Vanity Fair.
Hello. Melly is 100% Nylon and Made in Singapore!
Hey! it's melissa and i am an essence gurl! btw i love ur blog
Hi. I am Brianne from Boston. I always look forward to getting my Lucky magazine in the mail each month.
I'm torn between Nylon and ReadyMade, although I really like MS Everyday Food, too. I think I like looking at the pictures in Nylon best of all, so I'll go with that. Cheers!
Cass loves Lucky! I hope I am lucky!
caroline! september vogue, through and through!
Maria from Indy. and i love love love Elle UK. or Bazaar.
Hi, I'm Nicole and I am addicted to Lucky. I like who they mismatch stuff and funk it up a bit.
Sophia A., and I love Nylon.
Hi, Kathy F. from CO - love your blog & the pink dress! Vanity Fair.
i'm Rebecca S. and, this is hard, i love domino and vogue italia.
Hey Im' Ivory S. (Dayton, OH) love the smokey mag. Great choice with your new dress :)
Hi I'm Katie from Phoenix and I love love love Surface.
I am Heidi in Boyds and well, it's a tough call, but I'll pick Lucky or Bazaar. Both magazines have grown on me considerably over the past year or two, unlike some others that have grown stale.
Hello my name is Dennise and I love Elle!
I'm Emily R. and I love Bust!
Theresa F from Michigan and I adore Elle but had a fling with Nylon for a while.
Angela E from DC hearts New Yorker magazine, and your dress too. I wish I could have seen what shoes you wore with it.
Carrie from Oakland and my favorite magazine is the Economist.
That's a lie, but since my favorite magazine is In Style Weddings you can see why I would do so.
HI! Lauren from UT here and I LOVE your Tuleh dress so much. HOT PINK!!! Oh, and my fav magazine was Blueprint, but now it's probably Elle, just because of Ask E. Jean!
I'm Elaine, and I love Vogue Paris.
Christina W. from San Francisco, and I'm obsessed with Lucky. I just read the Leighton Meester one cover to cover about four times. In two days.
And what a fabulous dress! As Lucky might say, "This vintage-inspired floral dress suggests a garden-party, ladies-who-lunch kind of glamour."
I agree with anonymous-- what shoes??
Dana H, Chicago/Minneapolis/Cincinnati. (yes, really. long story.)
My bff gave me a subscription to Vogue for Christmas years ago, and she thoughtfully renews it for me every year. She's the best.
Allison from D.C. and I love Vogue. And Bon Apetit. And the New Yorker. (I spend a lot money on magazines. Oh well...)
Love your blog - and these give aways!
I am Tara from Houston and today my favorite mag is Cloth Paper Scissors. today. :)
Hi! My name's Emi, and I love W and Vogue UK.
lauren with an L, as in Ralph. I love NYLON, circa 2001-2002. Now it's just too myspace-y. But I still subscribe.
Alison, who waits for her monthly Vogue with baited breath. What WILL ALT have to say?
Brooke Alden here. I was in love with all four issues of Women's Vitals. Why do good things never last?! Looooooooove the Tuleh!
Vicky is completely and hopelessly enamoured by all editions of Vogue, especially Vogue Paris and Vogue Nippon.
hi we're soon lee and we like Time (and Lucky, and Frankie, and Nylon Guys, and Pop, and W, and Vanity Fair too). many mags maketh an all rounded girl and boy. pick us!
I feel behind because I'm not leaving a paragraph but I'm Arielle S., addicted to Nylon.
I'm Ainsley, I go to school in Seattle, and I read Nylon and Newsweek.
Ariel from Texas! Domino! :)
Ann. Bust.
My name is Elizabeth, from Melbourne, and I love Russh magazine.
The books sounds fantastic! And you look fantastic (I swear I'm not brown-nosing). Also, my name is Winona and I love Marie Claire.
I'm Trish, from Sugar Land, TX, and I LOVE Real Simple. :)
Hi, this is Tara A. from Turkey. Just recently (and pleasantly!) discovered your blog in an article published in a Turkish edition of Harper's Bazaar. As for my favorite magazine, I'm going to say Vogue ... but if you ask me tomorrow, don't expect the same answer because I really can't decide which one is my favorite.
hi. i'm tracy from dallas.
i love my anthropologie catalog
most of all, but i also enjoy
lucky, elle, blueprint, + allure.
I'm Gillian from Sunderland (UK) and it's got to be British Vogue (and a sneaky glance at Good Housekeeping!)
Alison R. L. from DC, I love Bust.
Beth <3 Vogue
And Imbibe and The Economist and Wired. But Vogue the most.
Hi, I'm Daphne and I'm utterly magaddicted to Lucky.
gen from singapore! and i love teen vogue (and the economist, just to sound intellectual :D)
gen from singapore! and i love teen vogue (and the economist, just to sound intellectual :D)
I'm Priscilla, and I love Domino and Allure...and that Tuleh dress you're wearing in those pics!
Hey, I'm Monique, and I'd have to say Lucky is by far the best!
Sent to Barney's to pick out whatever she wanted?! *faints* Lucky girl..!
Rebecca from Montreal and j'adore Paris Vogue. And your blog. <3
Hi, I'm Ming, and I love the New Yorker.
Shannon from sunny Miami, I'm a lucky lady :)
Hello, I'm Lisa from SK and nothing beats Psychology Today.
Hi this is Minjae from Washington, DC. I'm also a Lucky Mag gal. ;)
Kelsey from Winnipeg loves Lucky!
Jen in Calgary is a devoted Bitch reader.
Hi, I'm Sara U., and I miss Jane magazine!
Hi, I'm Eve from Singapore, and I'm a Lucky girl! (Also: I really really miss Jane Magazine. There's nothing out there that's quite like it!)
Anna from Canberra loves Another Magazine as well as ....
I'm normally not crazy about Tuleh but that's lovely.
I'm Spela, and I adore Marie Claire.
Frances D. That book looks fantastic (I love the cover) and I also love Nylon.
My name is Gabby and I am currently in the midst of a love triange between New York Magazine and Teen Vogue. That dress is quite lovely.
Hi! Hannah here, and i just love Vogue Entertaining+Travel, and smokey eyes!
hi i'm eleanor from melbourne and i can't make up my mind, but i'll go with elle for now. :)
Hi, I'm Anya, and I'm obsessed with Lula.
I love love love your cherry-blossom dress!
I'm Cait and I think Vogue is awesome! Elle is too, but we'll go with Vogue since it's more classic!
Hi, Miranda here from San Francisco, and I love both Marie Claire and Elle.
Hi, I'm Magda and I adore Dazed&Confused!
My name is Laura F. and I live in the Biggest Little City in the World: Reno, Nevada. I never miss an issue of Allure.
I'm Joanna, and I cannot resist Natural History. The best inspirations come from Mother Nature!
Emma from Australia's capital, currently addicted to the amazing 'Noi.se' about design.
Serena in NY. And lately, Domino.
Beautifully delicate dress! (And cool mirror photog fun!)
Hi, I'm Cassaundra in New York & I adore Marie Claire.
Alicia. Vogue.
Natalie G. Maryland. Bookmarks magazine (for fashion - Lucky)
Sola.(from DC).
Giant Magazine!
Sally in Minneapolis is an avid Lucky reader. And COVETS that pink flowered dress.
Amy B. in DC is a big fan of Allure. Even if she hasn't had a chance to read it for two months...
Rachael and I love Lucky :)
FANTASTIC!!!! dress. total stunner!
if you ever get bored of it, drop me a line and we'll swap :-)
Hi there - wish i had known about your blog when i lived in DC. Anywho, Colleen from Bklyn and my favorite is Readymade.
amanda loves gourmet more than life.
Margaret M., JANE (now sadly defunct. Omg Jane Pratt!)
Ack, just one! I'm going to go with Domino, as I've been on a home decorating kick lately. Awesome idea by the way!
-Elena in WA
surface magazine is my all time favorite.
martha in minneapolis.
Emily from Virginia Beach. Bust.
That dress is so fresh and lovely on you!
Aja from Reston, Va. loves Harper's Bazaar, Lucky and Domino. . . mild addictions also include Wallpaper*, Dwell and Nylon and boy do I miss the days of Jane. Love the Tuleh dress. Love it.
NANCY L. loves ESQUIRE mag. it really has the most entertaining articles.
Lauren D and I love me some Architectural Record and I.D. :)
This is Leanne in San Francisco and, like everyone says, that dress is gorgeous. And I, too, love(d) Blueprint. Mmmmmwhaa!
Hiya! I am Ashley R from Dallas and I lalalove Lucky mag. I seriously read it cover to cover (from back to front) the second it comes out of the mailbox. My fave part is the local shops section and this month they highlighted vintage/secondhand stores! Hooray! And I must mention that you have inspired me to shop my local Goodwill more, and I have found some TERRIFIC finds, one of which looks like your fave frame bag. Love it! Ashley R, Dallas
catherine from philly. i still pine for sassy. i read the new yorker religiously
chris from california. i loved blueprint. now i'm all over marie claire, elle, and preen. but i also love import fashion magazines.
Lindsay B. loves Eliza!
Sarah in Seattle (Greenwood neighbourhood) has been a Martha devotee since tweenhood. But also loves Lucky, because they have more photos that clearly SHOW the clothing, making it far easier for the home seamstress to extrapolate and make her own ;)
your last photo playing with the mirrors is so cute and fun, and great dress!
danielle k. loves nylon.
Hi I'm Kadie and I'm a teen-vogue-a-holic
Hullo, I'm Esperanca, all the way from Dubai. Hmmm, choice of a fave mag would be a toss-up between Harper's Bazaar (UK edition) and Wallpaper. Such a tough call! *sigh*
Thanks so much for this competition!
Kim from Antwerp here, loving Marie-Claire (French or Belgian, doesn't matter much). I absolutely love that dress *jealous*!
Catherine of DC will look long and hard and spend far too many Euros for a copy of France's L'Officiel.
okay! no more! the drawing is imminent!
thanks, everyone.
I have loved Vogue (American) since I was about 13 or 14. My other favorite is Town and Country - but then again Bazaar is great too!! I love them all.
Hi, I'm Lada and I love the magazine Mini (Russian) and I am a devoted reader.
You should give your Tuleh dress To-me
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