you are not the last.and, embarrassing as it is to admit, that brought tears to my eyes.thank you. may! that's not so far!
Oh! What good news! I thought that asking for sex and the city to be made into a movie would be too much! thank you! thats great!
Hi, I'm actually dealing with fashion too. Would appreciate if you could blog about us. Mind emailing me to discuss?'m from Singapore. Love,Ivin
wow, i hadn't seen that! can't WAIT!
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you are not the last.
and, embarrassing as it is to admit, that brought tears to my eyes.
thank you.
may! that's not so far!
Oh! What good news! I thought that asking for sex and the city to be made into a movie would be too much! thank you! thats great!
I'm actually dealing with fashion too. Would appreciate if you could blog about us. Mind emailing me to discuss?
I'm from Singapore.
wow, i hadn't seen that! can't WAIT!
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