I am, as you know, fairly obsessed with magazines. (It probably comes as no surprise that Glossed Over, which offers cheeky commentary on the top fashion and beauty mags, has quickly become one of my favorite new blog reads.) Anyway, my mom brought me the new Blueprint this weekend (thanks, mom!) and I'm totally in love with it. It's just so damn cute! (In a fun vintage pattern kind of way.) The photography, styling and general design is really fantastic (for example: I would really like this umbrella, in the circle chain pattern [not shown]. And I don't even need an umbrella!). Here are a few snaps from the mag to get you started.
But really: Go forth and covet brightly colored housewares. It will make you happy!

ya know, i'm sure it's a great magazine and all -- i've been checking out its blog and i may even subscribe -- but i have to say that coveting housewares probably makes me more anxious than happy. it's the acquiring that's the good stuff. coveting? bookmarking? constantly rechecking bookmarks to see if i still really want the items? anxiety-producing! anyone know where i can find some cute wastebaskets????????
hi, found your blog by following a link on skindeep, where she just posted a blog about us (http://beautyisonly.blogspot.com/2007/03/being-fashionable-is-easier.html). thought you might be interested in checking us out, too. let me know if you have any questions.
- jianing from polyvore
I'm in love w/ these plastic sleeves as 'frames.' where is the image from? do you think I could order them in bulk to decorate a huge empty wall?
hey! the pic is from blueprint -- in the mag they've got a few different ways of using them.
on the blueprint blog, they found them online here pretty cheaply:
lots of colors too!
Blueprint's right up there with Domino in brilliance with home and lifestyle ideas.
It took a while for Blueprint to get its "voice" though...for a while there it was a little haphazardly compiled but the latest issue is better formatted.
my mom does the same thing and sends me magazines from Singapore to keep me up to date with the fashion trends there. Helps me maintain a uniqueness here in Nashville where people tend to follow trends blindly and dress the same way regardless of whether it looks good or not.
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