Remember our Liz Saintsing gloves and vintage bag giveaway? You'll be happy to see the bag is doing adorably well over in Ireland with Miss Milki. In fact, we're so happy that the bag found such a perfect vintage-loving home that we're going to do another vintage bag giveaway contest next week. There will be multiple styles! More chances to win! Heavy use of exclamation points! Stay tuned…
In the meantime, we're off to Indianapolis for a long weekend, where we have been promised Midwestern-style thrifting almost immediately upon arrival. Whoo.
I've been lurking for a couple months (lurking = checking for updates every time I'm online!) and your blog is absolutely delightful! I love your outfits and the fun, feminine vintage mix, especially since you use so many great thrift pieces, which as a student is pretty much all I can afford! Anyway, thanks and keep writing!
that's a lovely photo! :)
Midwestern thrifting is truly an unique experience. The best and the worsts of vintage all in one shabby basement/attic! Don't get caught in the floods!
I love it when a beloved item goes to a good home.
Love that you're coming to Indianapolis! Be sure to visit Broad Ripple Vintage on 64th. Can't wait to see your finds!
As an Indianapolis native, I can't wait to see what you find. Please list the places you visited while you were here!
I'm from Indy, too! The Goodwill's there are fantastic and don't miss Midland Arts & Antique Market! -the DCGF
What a wonderful photo!
Love the bag, cant wait to see what you give away next!
Bag's color and style match green. Story also matches the blog.
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Just saw that you were in Indy last weekend...bet you had fun! Did you catch the 75 percent off everything sale at the Salvation Army? What's up with that? I also hope you checked out a Goodwill OUTLET while you were here....crazy bargains there! Can't wait to hear your report....
Nice stuff, But I am not sure whether my wife likes this.
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