While I'm busy condoning controversial fashion statements, I might as well go ahead and declare that I really loved the subscriber cover of the June 2008 Harper's Bazaar featuring the highly divisive Ms. Richie. It was so fresh and pretty and sunny – and I couldn't help but think, why not make this the regular cover? Wouldn't you love to see something this relaxed and *different* among the options at the newsstand?
In related news, I found a mint condition old-fashioned baby buggy at the thrift store over the weekend and would have totally bought it if I could have, in any way, justified the purchase. (It was priced at $130, which made walking away that much easier. Still… sigh.)

{Incidentally, I'm generally loving Bazaar lately – they've spruced up their design a bit so it's cleaner and more stylized, and they've been featuring lots of beautiful items that I'd actually like to own, for a change. Thoughts?}
Harper's Bazaar has been my favourite magazine for a few years. I never get sick of it. The writing is really quite good, and it's not filled with celebrities or ridiculous looking fashion.
I wish I was subscribed to Harper's so I could receive this cover. I saw the other cover on the newstand today and it's a typical celebrity cover. I only started buying Harper's a few months ago and I'm loving it as well.
Love Nicole. Love her sunny Dior. Love the styling in Harper's lately but still prefer the articles in other mags, especially the British ones.
I like how the cover has retro-y lighting -- like it's an old copy from the sixties.
hope you enjoyed the beach!
I've never even opened a copy before, but this cover might tempt me to buy one. The previous poster is right--I haven't seen a "sunny" magazine cover this side of the 60's!
she looks 100% adorable in that yellow dress.
If you found that babby buggy for $130 you walked away from a deal. That retails for around $1,300
i'm a harpers bazaar person too, they have a local version here which totally rocks.
Thats a gorgeous cover...it reminds me of something form the 60s or seventies. I love that dress!
btw I finally posted some photos of the gorgeous vintage bag you sent me. It took a while to take some that i thought did it justice! ;)
Oh and I used to have a pram like that when I was a baby except it was green...I would have loved to have it for my own kids (sometime way off in the future of course!) but my Mum gave it away years ago. :(
Harpers has been my fave for a few years now! Harpers is usually filled with things I want, articles I care to read about. Its just all fashion without the fluff filler women's issues like Elle. which IMO is one of the worst mags out right now.
that yellow dress is incredible i love it! yellow is so popular now i had to get something so i bought the most adorable yellow dresss on shopgoldyn.com!
I hate to tell you but leaving that baby buggy is something you're going to regret later - the store did not know what they had.
I've never been into Bazaar but I'm going to try it. I love, love love the cover with the yellow dress. I was trying to figure out how to describe the pics like Ms. Dip did - I love the staged, look to them. Do you know who they're copying by doing this?
It's about time Bazaar took your advice and did away with the close-up cover shot. American fashion magazines would do well by adding some variety into the covers on the newsstands...that includes American Vogue as well.
wow that cover is SO pretty
I love the sunny vibe it gives off!
I'm more of a vanity fair girl myself, but I'll have to give Bazaar another look-see! Those photos are quite interesting.
I didn't see this cover. I like it a lot.
The whole spread of them was really awesome. Loved all of her outfits.
Bazaar is amazing! I love the whole summer garden theme for the shoot & love the volume in Nicole's yellow dress. Gorgeous blog.
Love this cover! It kind of tells me "Summer is here"!
I agree -- great cover.
that cover is gorgeous -- and that dress! -- even though i can't stand nicole richie.
That yellow dress is gorgeous!!
your blog is lovely and so are these pictures! nicole richie continues to grow on me and inspire me. I love the picture in the garden, fabulous!
Great Article
Bazaar is the best. hands down. I actually loved this cover as well ...even if the subject wasn't my favorite, it worked and the photos are beautiful.
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