Are we having some sweaty fun yet? (It's pushing a steamy 100 degrees here in DC!) Just in case you feel like braving the heat, here are more local fashion events this week. (We will personally be sitting by the pool for the foreseeable future, but are planning on trekking up to HonFest in B'more this weekend and cannot wait. It should be kitschy-Sixties-riffic!)
Also, there will be another Big Fashion Chat on Friday at 1pm, where we will do our very best to direct you towards cute fashion choices. We couldn't even make it through all the questions last time, so I suggest you submit your queries early. We work on a first come, first served basis. Whoo, democracy.
The snap above is from my newest batch of monument-y pics. Enjoy. And don't melt out there!
Hi! I logged on to your Washingtonian chat last time looking for a straw fedora recommendations ... you gave a bunch of great recommendations but FYI I found a really nice one at Comfort One Shoes (yes, you read that right) its straw, banded, sized (ok only S/M and M/L, but still better than one size selections) and only $24. Thanks for responding 'coz your enthusiasm motivated me to search for my perfect purchase, and I get tons of compliments on what I found.
So here's an unsolicited plug to everyone to post a question on your upcoming chat session!
Yay! I'm so glad you found a good one... I spotted a few cute ones in Filene's men's department the other day and thought of you! Sometimes, the best finds pop up where you least expect them, don't they?
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