I just saw Chloe Sevigny in this old Sassy spread on Fashionista, and immediately loved her cut-off overalls dress. Probably because this past weekend at the Swirl Swap Swop, I scored a pair of really cute Osh Kosh B'gosh engineer-striped overalls, and am planning to do this very thing.
I also scored an amazing vintage dress (so. cute!) and a fabulous Mango shift dress in impeccable condition, spotted at the same time as Annabelle, who was very nice enough to let me have it (she later scored a highly adorable skirt and jacket, so I don't feel that bad -- but thanks again, Annabelle!). And then I went ahead and bought that Twiggy skirt I'd gushed about months ago, and I met a ton of super-cool Swappers. Thanks to Evelyn and Suzanne for inviting me! I'll definitely be back.
In other news, my apologies for the sporadic posting as of late. I'm feeling a little zonked these days.
Any woman wearing denim overalls,skirt or trousers look like dikes. My even my own feminin gf can't pull it off. Sorry girls.
That is so cute.
i think this look is adorable!
I saw that too on fashionista and it made me like Chloe Sevigny about 23% more - the overalls, the smiling! It's a tres cute look, hope you'll post your efforts with the osh kosh dungarees...x
hi miss spinach! i'm so looking forward to the new look you're gg to give those overalls! :D and the vintage dress was sooooo cute! don't feel bad abt the mango dress - it would've been too small for me anyhow, and i am loving my finds too! Looking forward to seeing you at the next swop! :) (and do keep us updated on the next few screenings ;) )
- annabelle
Hi all, I know this is a long shot. Does Miss Spinach or anyone else, who attended the Swirl Swop, still have Epilogue vouchers which they don't intend to use, sell, exchange or better still, give them to me? Thanks awfully! :)
quirkyhill @ gmail
Chloe just has so much style. I loved that spread and I am so into skater chic. very cool. And I love those cut-off overalls, reckon they look great. Looks like the fabric may be a thick royal blue corduroy = gorgeous!
I also wish I was in Singapore for a swap like that. Am drooling over here.
I have the twiggy skirt too, and I love it too! It brightens my day when I wear it.. and by the way, just want to say I enjoy your posts! Keep them up!
Hi there!
I was at the April Swirl Swap Swop! I suspect that the Osh Kosh overalls were the very ones I brought to swop. :) I've never worn them cos they were far too long for me. When I brought it to Swirl, Evelyn took them and I was really glad that it found a new owner. LOL what an adventure my overalls have had since I brought them to Swirl! It's a fantastic idea to have them chopped! Can't wait to see a pic of you in it!
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