I've been spending an inordinate amount of time on Print & Pattern these days. We share a strong affection for all things Orla Kiely -- my car print bag (a slightly bigger version of this one, now on sale!) is among my favoritest fashion items *ever*. And then yesterday, P&P highly recommended this fantastic looking book on fashion textiles, so of course I had to go and purchase it immediately. Yay!
Anyway, I always think of the P&P site when I pull out my vintage bird-print book (above) – in true 70s form, its cover is a paper print of some old-school bird embroidery. I think it was 25 cents at the thrift store (and never used!). Now I use it to jot down all the fun things – funny quotes, cute pictures, favorite movie scenes -- that make me smile, so I have something cheery to pull out on those really bad days when you feel like poo. I usually feel a little better just by looking at the cover.
I'm off to run errands and have a little cafe lunch and drool over vintage fabrics at the adorable Pluck, so the rest of the posts will come a little later today. See you shortly!
Print and pattern is addictive. Love it!
would you mind sharing the title of your bird book? it's so purdy, i must search on amazon...
ps- made the pencil roll (with some modifications), it took me 4 hours...but it was worth it!
I love p&p too, and I spent ages looking at that book in Selfridges the other day. Completely off the point but isn't Marnie Fogg the best name ever?!
the bird book is a thrift store find... but if you go to the Print & Pattern website, you'll find lots of suggestions for beautiful patterned notebooks.
i love the name marnie fogg too! and her book looks incredible....
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