It's my first lazy weekend in a long while, so of course I'm catching up on my Tivo. (The Office wedding? Made me bawl like a baby.) The TV-fest brought back some fond memories: namely, long before Rachel Zoe got to run around Coco Chanel's private apartment like a kid in a candy store, we (and a host of other fun bloggers) had that exact same pleasure.

31 Rue Cambon, perhaps the most famous fashion address in the world
I don't think I posted many pix of my Chanel-laden adventures in Paris back in 2007 (so long ago!), mostly because so many others were sharing their own snaps and it felt a little like Coco overkill on the Internet. But now that I've seen Rachel and Brad running up and down Coco's famously fabulous mirrored staircase, I had to pull out all my old Paris photos again.

the famous "CC" chandelier...

so did rach and brad get to hang in coco's living room with susie bubble? no, they did not.

closets of chanel clothing in the VIP fitting area!
Speaking of Paris — aka probably my most favorite city in the world, except maybe New York... and possibly Tokyo — YSL recently asked me to be part of a online project where a few bloggers shared their favorite Paris sights and spots. On my list: the Velib bike system, the scene in Amelie with the sound of the spoon cracking the creme brulee, colorful macarons, the highly delicious Rue Mouffetard! Check it out, if you'd like.
I loved the photos of the chanel apartment. I have always wanted to go and ypou gave me a great insight into it :) Maybe one day I will get there also. Many Thanks!
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I love it - I'm now on a mission that I too must be able to hang out in her apartment.
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