There's something so simple and striking about this Elizabeth and James cuff bracelet (also available in silver). At $325, it's a pretty hefty purchase – though you can get 50 percent off everything right now at chickdowntown.com [update: crap. but not elizabeth & james] -- but Santa has some deep, velvety pockets, right? Plus, it's just one of those pieces that you could wear with almost anything. For years and years. {End small tirade of justification.}
What a tease -- it's not 50% off everything, there's a whole page of "excluded designers", and E&J is one of them. Dang, and I was gonna get myself a nice pair of jeans or two.
Oh no! So sorry... I missed that completely. What a bummer.
It's hard to believe that's a bracelet. It looks like a sculpture! So gorgeous.
CHICAGO -- President-elect Barack Obama doesn't think much of big-business executives' ability to related to the common man -- and says bank executives should forgo their bonuses this year as an example of taking responsibility in tough times.world of warcraft goldbuy wow goldcheap wow goldwow power levelingwow powerlevelingeverquest 2 goldeq2 platfinal fantasy 11 cheap gilbuy ffxi gilHe told Walters executives should make sacrifices because so many other people are struggling."I think that if you are already worth tens of millions of dollars, and you are having to lay off workers ... the least you can do is say, 'I'm willing to make some sacrifice as well, because I recognize that there are people who are a lot less well off, who are going through some pretty tough times," Obama told ABC's Barbara Walters in interview excerpts released by the network.age of conan goldaoc goldaoc power levelingage of conan power levelingage conan goldaoc levelingffxi gilfinal fantasy xi gilmaple story mesosmaplestory mesosmaplestory mesoObama said the Big 3 automakers are a 'little tone deaf to what's happening in America right now' -- a problem that has become chronic. The heads of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler drew fire last week for flying to Washington in separate corporate jets to ask Congress for federal assistance for their ailing companies.lotro goldlotr goldlord of the ring goldrunescape goldrunescape moneysilkroad goldbuy silkroad golddofus kamaskamas dofus"We're sort of focused on them. But I think it's been a problem for the captains of industry generally," Obama told Walters in the interview, to air Wednesday. "When people are pulling down hundred million dollar bonuses on Wall Street, and taking enormous risks with other people's money, that indicates a sense that you don't have any perspective on what's happening to ordinary Americans."age of conan goldaoc power levelingage of conan power levelingaoc levelingwarhammer goldbuy warhammer goldThe Associated Press contributed to this report.
The drop in new cancer diagnoses has been driven largely by declines in many of the leading forms of cancer: lung, prostate and colorectal cancer in men, and breast and colorectal cancer in women. EverQuest goldEverQuest platbuy eq goldeq plateverquest platinumlineage adenalineage 1 adenalineage 2 adenabuy lineage 2 adenalineage ii adenacheap lineage 2 adenawow goldworld of warcraft goldbuy wow goldcheap wow goldwow power levelingwow powerleveling2moons dil2moons goldaion goldbuy aion goldanarchy online creditsanarchy online creditarchlord goldThe analysis found that the overall incidence of cancer began inching down in 1999, but not until the data for 2005 were analyzed was it clear that a long-term decline was underway. buy archlord goldcity of heroes influencecoh influencecity of villains infamycov infamyeve iskeve online iskflyff penyabuy flyff goldflyff moneygaia online goldgaia goldguild wars goldgw goldhellgate london palladiumhero online goldlast chaos goldpirates of the burning sea goldpotbs doubloonrappelz rupeerappelz goldrf online goldstar wars galaxiesswg creditsthe sun online"The take-home message is that many of the things we've been telling people to do to be healthy have finally reached the point where we can say that they are working," Brawley said. "These things are really starting to pay off." Brawley and others cautioned, however, that part of the reduction could be the result of fewer people getting screened for prostate and breast cancers. the sun online goldsword of the new world vissword of the new world goldtabula rasa creditpirates goldPotbs goldtabula rasa creditstales of pirates goldvoyage century goldpirates goldPotbs gold
In addition, the rates at which many other types of cancer are being diagnosed are still increasing, he said, and overall far too many Americans are still getting and dying from cancer.
This cuff is so amazingly pretty! In both colors. I bought the knuckle ring by E & J...i love it.
Jen Ramos
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