
Cheers & Jeers.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My blog-cation is going fairly well, thank you. I admit I miss the blog terribly, but am feeling so swamped that it's nice to have one less pressing thing on my plate for a few weeks. Still, a few quick things I couldn't resist:

Cheers! The dressing room shoes at Carol Mitchell in Tysons Galleria (above) might actually be more fun than their selection of amazing clothes. Jil Sander mega-platforms? We were dying! {In related news, this fall's Marni wooden platform pumps have just moved to the top of my dream wishlist…}

Cheers! We couldn't get enough of the juicy details behind the great Elle divide. Dishy mag gossip, y'all!

Cheers! We're excited to announce that we're off to NY Fashion Week in a few weeks! It's our first full NY fashion week, and we are jumping up and down with excitement. Yes, literally. {Bounce, bounce.} Now, what to pack…?

Jeers! First I start spotting multiple misspellings in my Vogue, and now this! (See below.) Poor Hanii Y. And for shame, Nordstrom. For shame. {Update} Hmmm... Maybe I'm wrong -- Barney's has the dress under "Hanni Y." too. Diffusion line? General industry confusion? Can someone with more Google patience enlighten me please? I think we have all decided together that it's definitely Hanii Y, and so we return to our original message: For shame, Nordstrom. For shame.


Cassaundra said...

oh, I'm so excited for you!

NY fashion week - take lots of pictures!

How do you go to such a thing?
Do you need to be invited?

Anonymous said...

I think Zara has already a knockoff of those Marni's in their stores :) but the real ones are much nicer.

Anonymous said...

Can't weigh in on Hanii vs. Hanni, but can say EEPS those Jil Sander platforms make my mouth water!

Righteous (re)Style said...

I love the wooden platform on the Marni pair. Couldn't possibly afford those though . . . sigh. I was eying a pair of pumps from Nine West with a nice wooden heel last fall, but nothing so spikey. Honestly, the Jil Sander pumps kind of scare me - they're like a mix of clown shoes and dominatrix wear. (whoooosh . . . crack. honk honk!)

Anonymous said...

Her website is

Stacy said...

Yea, how do you get invited to NY fashion week. I want to go. Hide me in your purse, please!

Siru said...

Oh, how did you get the tickets ?

juliet xxx

Anne Corrons said...

hope I can meet you at Bryan park for Fashion Week NY. I'll be there every day!

Johanna said...

I'm looking at my coat right now, and the label clearly reads "Hanii Y." Such a mistake is abominable!

Dishy mag goss, indeed ;)

Johanna said...

p.s. guess which stylish redhead had those crazy Jil Sander platforms *last season*? Mmmhmmm...that'd be the one!

Karen said...

I love finding spelling errors in style magazines. When I find one, I always feel a little less self-conscious about my own writing.

Ms. Dip said...

New York Fashion Week?!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Inspire the Starling said...

NY - we want a FULL report ;) Hot platforms by the way...go stamp on those fashionistas.

Righteous (re)Style said...

Oh, and I can't believe that it is time already for Spring 2009 shows. The Sept. Vogue JUST came out (though I haven't gotten one yet) with all the great fall fashion, but, here we are, already being forced to think of Spring. Geez. I can't really keep up.

Anonymous said...

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