So last week I turned {cough, cough}, and it was the first year in a while where my birthday did not entail roller skating, bar crawling, scavenger hunting, dancing to Justin Timberlake until the wee hours of the morn, or throwing my underwear on stage at a rock concert. (Um, long story. Anyway.)
In any case, this year's celebration instead included a very adult-like shopping excursion to Target, Sephora and Barney's Co-op, sushi, champagne, an enormous Betty Crocker chocolate cake and falling asleep at 10pm to the blissfully colorful scenery of The Darjeeling Limited. (Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. C!) Oh, and a big rainstorm followed by a bright rainbow over Georgetown. There was no hilarious debauchery, but it was still a pretty great day.
Especially as I got to do a bit of splurging as well. In addition to some pretty great gifts (the aforementioned dvd, plus the best baseball hat ever), my birthday buys included the following:
*The much-discussed Vanessa Barrantes dress from local online shop Lily Lily, in navy. It is just *perfect*.
*A Malababa bag I'd absolutely loved last season from Barney's, which miraculously just popped up on eBay at a nicely reduced price. I took it as a sign.
*A new ruffly bikini!
*NARS blush in Orgasm. For achieving my dreams of a peachy-rosy summer glow. It's kind of perfection.
*A Sonia Kashuk travel Kabuki makeup brush. I just really like her brushes at Target, and the new, slightly-higher-end collection is a pretty fab deal.
*LipSmackers in Pink Lemonade. Perfectly sweet and summery. I also think I might have gotten this when I turned 10.
*The birthday fairy has also promised a new digital camera, just as soon as I make up my mind about which one I want.
{This is not a picture of my birthday rainbow, but it's just as pretty, and so I borrowed it.}
Happy Birthday! That sounds like a lovely day! (With lots of lovely prezzies).
I live and breath by NARS Orgasm. It's perfection. You'll love it!
Aaaaaaaaaawwwwwww happy birthday!!! A day is older is a day wiser, I say!
Happy belated birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday! Do you know what kind of digital camera you are looking for? If you want an SLR that is still light-weight and takes gorgeous pictures, I own and love my Nikon D-40! It's fantastic!
Happy Birthday!
happy birthday ms spinach!!!!
lipsmackers are the bEST!
Sounds like a pretty good birthday to me.
Happy B'Day!
I remember on my 30th (way back when) I had the inspired idea to go shopping on Worth Ave. Tears and a mini-break down followed. Ever since, I refuse to shop on my birthday on the off chance that I will gain weight on the exact day that I turn a day older.
About the camera, I'm DYING for the Nikon D80. Please get it so I can enjoy the pictures vicariously.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! best of wishes
happy belated birthday
Yes, Happy (belated) Birthday! Nice buys, especially the dress. Gorgeous!
*~Happy Belated Birthday~* Your blog is great :)
congratulations on your birthday! you got some wonderful pieces. :) i particularly adore the dress. i did so want it in ivory when you first posted it!
Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like a brilliant day to me!
Happy birthday, and I'm glad it didn't involve underwear-throwing or scavenger hunting :)
I love your blog, would it be possible to do a link exchange sometime? It's totally ok if you don't, though. :) I write over at
that sounds perfect!
happy birthday
what a fun day! nars blush is the most perfect blush i've ever found.
happy birthday :)
aww HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I have a similar bikini, just without the ruffles. And lip smackers? I haven't seen those since I was in elementary school! I think I want to go get some now. I really liked the chocolate one.
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happy birthday! your loot sounds amazing :)
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