We are off to Hong Kong this weekend, to see old friends and eat good food and (we suspect) spend an excessive amount of time at H&M and the Prada outlet. We're pretty excited about this, except for one thing: once again, we're missing FashBash here in Singapore, and it promises to be pretty amazing. (For starters: Large-sized shoes! As a size 41, we couldn't be more excited about this discovery.)
Be sure and report back if you make it to FashBash and see anything super-cool (it sounds like there will be a lot of great stuff). In return, we promise to return with exciting tales of Hong Kong fashion bounty.
Wonderful blog! Exchange links?
Hi! I must tell you that i dreamt that you won a best dressed award a few days ago, while wearing a delightful blue and white stripey dress. :D
Hi, I've read your blog for awhile and I don't know if I've really commented before, but I live in Shenzhen and where is the Prada outlet in HK?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?! Please tell me!!!!!
have fun...love that photo!
For Susan: The Prada outlet is on the island of Ap Lei Chau, in a shopping center called Marina Square East. The store is named Space. Don't miss the South Horizons building nearby for the Lane Crawford and Joyce outlets -- I detail my finds from my last trip here.
For Anonymous: I am currently debating a striped blue and white shirt dress with a bib front at H&M! Is this a sign?
And for the rest of you: The Hong Kong H&M is the nicest and best-stocked H&M I've ever been to. By far. (Is it special? Or did H&M just get a whole lot better recently?) So. Much. Cute! Stuff!
When you say prada outlet does that mean prada store or factory outlet?
hi ms spinach~
just dropping by to say that i love your blog. i thought i saw someone that looked like you at style nordic on friday, but seeing as you were probably headed off to HK by then, it must have been someone else.
since you love orla kiely, did you know that it is available in times square in HK as well? also, check out the baby jane by cacharel shop while you are there.
your fan
hey, what a coincidence, I was in HK over the weekend as well!! Surprisingly I only managed to get some Esprit (what else) and adidas tees on my this trip. But the food was really worth the trip...did you visit Sweet Dynasty @ Tsim Sha Tsui? Its the best restaurant around!
i hear you on the larger sized shoe dilemma! (i'm 40...and women in buenos aires are so tiny. (one of the first things i learned to say here: do you have this in my size? ;)
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