I'm on kind of an art kick these days and so… Mike was trolling around the Make Zine blog (as Mike is wont to do) and just showed me this post on Belgian artist Fred Eerdekens, whose unusual shadow art is absolutely amazing. He creates seemingly random shapes -- like squiggles, clouds and trees -- that, when the lights go down, make the most incredible shadow typography. It was too cool not to post. See for yourselves:

{Photos from here, here and here. You can find even more from all three sites.} And now, back to my personal Veronica Mars marathon…

oh, yay. i'm so glad you're watching vmars. spread the word!
amazing stuff, and now that is what I'd call talent!
That is so amazing. I am trying to bend my mind around the creation of these works...wow.
you should also check out craftzine.com and the ; it's affiliated with make mag and i just went to craft's premier issue release party here in l.a. recently -- the first issue shows you how to knit your own shoes!
love your blog, btw!
p.s. did you stop making captions for your pics?
Oh my goodness, these are amazing I wish I could have been at the exhibition-must be breathtaking.
Brilliant! I love art exhibition like this, it made me stop, look & think. Great find ms. spinach!
That is so amazing. I am trying to bend my mind around the creation of these works.
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