Longtime readers know that I am pretty vehemently anti-khaki, mostly because I can't understand how a fabric that looks unattractive on so many became part of our must-have-basics lexicon. Also partly because I, a product of a grade school with a dress code, wore way too much khaki growing up.
Of course, khaki does have its time and place, like on the golf course. And picnics. And on tiny children. But also on Chloe's rolled-cuff, super-voluminous spring shorts (at left), which I admit I drool over every time I see them in a fash mag.
I am pretty sure that Chloe shorts are out of my budget, but I'm intrigued by Express' similarly just-baggy-enough slouchy shorts (right), just $40. Tempting…
In the end I think the cheaper choice is actually the best looking ones! I rather the colour and less fabric. Definitely like the ones on the right.
I adore those slouchy Chloe shorts! Such a perfect cut!
Sample Sale Madness in NYC!
25 W 36th Street (btwn 5th and 6th)
Great Brands, Great Prices
I think that's the first Chloe piece I've ever really liked. Nice find, Bets!
Chloe's shorts are gorgeous, but would be extremely unflattering on just about anyone but that extremely skinny model.
My hips are pouffy enough, thank you.
what a steal at express! i really love that look...to the point where i think this will be my summer staple.
i love the style!
-karl lagerfeld quotes
overpriced balenciaga and balmain
Christian Lacroix for gola
I want one!
I also prefer the ones from Express, although you don't have me entirely convinced on the khaki issue. As someone that grew up in the Midwest, I think I've seen enough Dockers-khaki to last me a lifetime. Chloe does have a lot of other great shorts, I'm lusting after the white ruffle ones in their current ad campaign.
immense! smart shorts are currently top of my to-get list for internship in the summer...
here are some vintage khaki shorts...
I was a little anti-khaki myself, but I really love the pictures that you posted! They are really cute and look comfortable! The Chloe shorts that you posted are to-die for and that show seems to have a whole "African Safari" feel to it. I like to blog about fashion shows, so I'm familiar with what has recently been showing. The "safari" vibe reminds me of some of the looks that Ungaro showed for Spring 2009. If you change your mind about shorts, you can always opt for a cool, shirt dress! Here is what I'm talking about: http://content.coutorture.com/2141765?page=0,0,28
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