What, dear reader, could drag me out of my selfish, I'm-taking-care-of-my-own-needs blogging break and bring me back to the interweb?
Why, the Jonathan Adler-designed Barbie house, which debuts today, of course. I am kinda sorta completely dying over the Barbie mirror he created above.
In other news, I am fine! And busy! And ironically, thinking about fashion all the time! (I've also been under the weather since NY Fashion Week, but finally got a nice batch of antibiotics today and hoping that clears this pesky sinusitis right up.) Spring has sprung here in D.C. (at least intermittently) and that has gotten me all excited about sandals and jumpsuits and colorful scarves and adorably dressy shorts. I will return soon.
In the meantime, please feel free to discuss amongst yourselves:
+Did you not totally *die* over the Lanvin collection? Because I pretty much drooled all over my keyboard.
+I cannot believe my favorite purchase of the season (so far!) actually came from VictoriasSecret.com. But it absolutely did, so I will happily give credit where it's due.
+So, these shoes: Cute, or too Mandal-ish? I just got them, and I really cannot decide if I should keep them.
+It is taking a LOT of willpower not to purchase this bag. And actually, half the J. Crew spring collection, if I'm being honest.
+I am kind of obsessed with the Liz Claiborne advertising lookbook for the season (available in a fashion magazine near you, or catch a glimpse online here). Well done, Mr. Mizrahi, well done.
oh my god you are still alive.
quit being selfish and come back to us!
you asked, and i think they are mandal-ish. which is too funny because i definitely had a mandal induced heart attack at work today.
glad to you (kinda) back! I have to say it's mandal-ish...
Come back to frequent blogging soon!
Loving, loving, loving, the Liz Claiborne lookbook too. Perfect. And so glad you're back!!
Glad you are alive, but-
Lanvin-too sober and stark
Jumpsuit-too much fabric
Shoes-Ben Hur?
Liz Claiborne-I refuse to wear LC
I really like your blog. :)
Those pictures of Barbie's's house is awesome! I wish I had her closet but with different pairs of shoes not the same pair of pink patent peep toe heels HAHA!
Your blog always brings a smile to my face. Tell us...how are you styling that super-sweet jumpsuit?
Agreed about Lanvin.... the show stunned me....
i definitely agree with the liz claiborne line, so cute
and that barbie thing is so sweet!!
love lanvin and loved those shoes. very grecian hippie
I love the barbie mirror!
The Barbie house is fun! Love the shoe filled wall.
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Personally, I'm kind of coveting that Jonathan Adler Barbie chair. I want to curl up in it with a good book - or a fashion glossy!
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