
Making a list, checking it twice…

Friday, January 02, 2009

Ah, I do love making resolutions. I generally revise them on a monthly basis – goals are good! – but here's a snippet of what I'm plotting for 2009.

1. Go rollerskating with the roller dancers in Central Park at least once.

2. Visit the remaining two Disneylands (resolution carried over from last year, and I think even the year before). That means, Tokyo and Hong Kong, you're on my travel list!

3. Have more impromptu dinner parties at home, even if that just means putting some takeout in vintage Pyrex, setting out tasty nibbles, and serving lots and lots of wine.

4. Maintain stock of wine, cheese, crackers and takeout menus so above can actually be achieved.

5. Use said dinner parties to corral friends into playing board games. I am severely lacking in quality Apples to Apples time.

6. And, if that tactic fails, find some more friends who enjoy playing board games.

7. Part ways with the credit card, for good. Learn to love what I have in my closet(s) and be more experimental with it.

8. Eat more fruit. And, on a fairly unrelated note, wear more hats. Both will be good for me.

9. Laugh more, love more, read more, sing more (even if just in the shower), dance more, smile more, say hello to people on the street more, hold doors open for people more, offer up my seat on the subway more, make funny faces at babies more (if possible).

10. Do not allow more than three New Yorkers to go unread at one time. Ignore the fact that this resolution is already off to a bad start.

11. Catch up the number of countries I've visited to my age. Which hopefully means: Turkey, Greece, Mexico, Bulgaria, Brazil…

12. Take up tap dancing.

13. Drink lots of water. Stop buying fancy moisturizers when what I probably really need is to just not be so dehydrated.

14. Play a full round of golf, on an actual golf course.

15. Blog more! Read more! Sew more! Photograph more! Dress up more! And be as creative as possible in everything I do.


Baroque said...

i loved the last one!

Visited almost all Disney Lands apart from the California one xx Tokyo Sea is sooooo different its eye-opening. xx

carol c said...

super excited about resolution #15! yes blog more! your blog is one of my favorite daily reads, I adore your insight 'n quibble on the nature of fashion 'n style. glad to know your hiatus is over. cheers!

Lisa said...

"Eat more fruit" is one of my resolutions too! I hope you have a great new year, and good luck with achieving your goals. :-)

Marianne said...

Those are all fantastic resolutions! I may steal them. I love board games as well, but it's sometimes hard to find game buddies. I even joined a boardgame meetup group for a time.

A. said...

Betsy, you and your blog continue to be inspirational! I hope 2009 is good to you!

Rina said...

It occurred to me to make "drink more water" a resolution too! The question is: how to make that happen? Mandated water drinking?

market publique said...

I'm stealing #8 and number #15 for my own list of resolutions. I hope you don't mind!

About the water thing, I have a couple suggestions: drink one glass as soon as you wake up, and one glass right before you go to bed. Also try to drink an entire one before each meal. Not only will you fill up more quickly, but you are more than halfway to the 8 glasses count!

Penguin Lover said...

I wish you luck for fulfilling all your resolutions! =)

Michelle said...

I'm stealing your resolution to hold more impromtu dinner parties. That is a great idea!

Nicki's Notebook said...

Enjoyed reading your resolutions - I have been inspired by several - especially by experimenting with clothes i ALREADY have! happy new year! xx

Kamaleon said...

Your resolutions are fun. I want to sew more as well. Also, I plan on blogging alot too. Check it out if you get a chance, I'd love to hear ur thoughts.


N + S said...

Love the New Yorkers resolution. I have the same problem with Harper's, which is monthly! Somehow all the People magazines lying around here manage to get read cover to cover though...

Ms. Dip said...

re: #6
WHO doesn't like Apples to Apples?! Show me the godless person who doesn't like Apples to Apples!!

re: #11
Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece are all within your reach! Come visit us!!

Phaedra Elizabeth said...

i love your #8! i too want to wear more hats and eat more fruit. . . cheers to a wonderful 2009! i love your blog . . .

Unknown said...

apples to apples is SUCH a fun game!!
At first I raised my eyebrows to it but I've been a fan ever since!

Miss | A said...

LOVE your blog. awesome fun list! Glad I found your sweet blog-

Punky said...

I have never heard of apples to apples until this week and you are the 3rd person to mention weird.

Vera said...

Great list, babe! Happy New Year!

paanie said...

great resolutions. i definitely share #7 with you.

Anonymous said...

hi friend! U have a very nice site. would U mind if we xlinks? pls let me know if U want to..thanks ^_^

Anonymous said...

the last one is cute

cherbie said...

lovely resolutions!! - cherbie

lillie said...

great resolutions! i am especially inspired by your ones about dinner parties / pantry stock / board games. cheers to 2009!

LEAH said...

no way... i was just introduced to apple to apples over the holidays... what a great conversational piece!!! just be sure to keep the wine flowing!!!

TheSundayBest said...

Best of luck with these and everything!

Joanna Goddard said...

i love these!!! lovely. and i am totally addicted to Apples to Apples.

Life In Technicolor. said...

some thoughts on said resolutions:
-dinner parties = fabulous. particularly with good wine and cheese!!
-apples to apples is fun, but i'm sure youve tried taboo. if not, YOU HAVE TO! its a great party game!

i've linked you on my blog and i hope that's fine (i realise i havent asked!) seeing as its 2009, hopefully youre updating your links, would it be too much to ask if i could be added to your blogroll?
cheers, and keep blogging!

andrea xoxooxoxx

Dim Sum Diva said...

Do visit Hong Kong! The shopping will NOT disappoint!

Anonymous said...

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fax said...

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会社設立 福岡
会社設立 大阪
会社設立 東京
会社設立 名古屋
会社設立 名古屋
会社設立 名古屋
給与計算 名古屋市
名古屋 税理士
一宮市 天然水

fax said...

税理士 名古屋