The incomparable Chanel.
Monday, December 29, 2008
"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." – Coco Chanel
As part of my Christmas of Catching Up (on reading, on sleeping, apparently also on cheese consumption), I finally watched Lifetime's recent original film "Coco Chanel", which I probably downloaded on iTunes at least two months ago but hadn't actually gotten around to viewing yet.
To be perfectly honest, I wasn't expecting much, but I really, really enjoyed it. The cast—mostly unknown European actors, peppered with snippets of Shirley MacLaine as an aging Mlle. Chanel—was completely engaging, especially Slovakian actress Barbora Bobulova, who took on the bulk of the Chanel role. The story, just a snippet of Chanel's storied life, was nicely paced. And the fashion. Oh, the fashion! Truthfully, I wasn't sure Lifetime (known more for its adoption-related sob stories, of which I am also a major fan) could do real justice to a fashion movie, but it was great. So great I had to take fuzzy screen shots of some of my favorite moments for inspiration, for both of us. Let's go to the snaps…
The movie focused mostly on the teens and 1920s, which was a great glimpse into the elegant French designs of the times. Like long wrap dresses!
Chanel gets her first pearls, and I immediately become kind of pearl-obsessed.
Hats! Furs! Jackets! Oh my.
Of course, now I totally want a dramatic dotted lace veil.
Like want one a lot a lot.
While Coco unfortunately channels Mary Poppins here, her rival Gabrielle gets the fab hat, great dress and vibrant purple gloves.
In one of my favorite scenes, the elderly Chanel decides to dress up her niece in the chiffon curtains. She gives Maria a total run for the curtain clothing money.
Seriously have half a mind to take down my window sheers right now.
Love the hat, the top, the silky tasseled necklace…
My other favorite time in the film was the WWI years spent in Deauville. Long skirts; little hats; slim, elongated silhouettes with nipped waists. Perhaps even more important because finally, I totally and completely get Marc Jacobs' spring collection.
Finally, no real Chanel biopic would be complete without a bit of the famous stairs at 31 Rue Cambon…
Overall, the film was nicely done and I give it two green thumbs up. Next up to tackle the role of the iconic designer will be Audrey Tautou (who Barbora is fairly reminiscent of) in Coco Avant Chanel, sometime later in 2009… For now, I leave you with some choice Chanel quotes.
"Fashion is architecture: it is a matter of proportions."
"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous."
"Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury."
"Elegance does not consist in putting on a new dress."
Amazing. No?
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The white skaft look nice on her.
What a great fashion blog you have here. I love fashion too and my passion always towards my own traditional costume. Such as baju melayu, cheongsom, saree fashion and baju kurung,tudung (traditional scaft).
OOOH! Thanks for the tip, I didn't know that movie was on itunes.
I'm reading "chanel, a women of her own" by alex madsen, and I just can't put it down. Her story is very inspiring.
Great job with the screen caps!
That is amazing and I will have to watch it too. I have always been Chanel obsessed and pearl obsessed come to think of it.
I loved this movie, just saw it a week ago. Can't wait for the Audrey Tauto movie!
have a happy new year:)
definitely right about the proportion thing
i don't know, i think scarlett DEFINITELY has maria beat on curtain clothes...
Must try and hunt down this version....
i haven't seen it, but now am definitely interested. it seems like you learned a lot from watching!
I love the quotes, especially the Luxury one.
i loved this wrap up because i feel like i don't even need to watch the film now! i can't wait for the audrey tautou version though... she's just lovely, and i think it will be much better than this one :)
J'adore Ms. Chanel!
...And it doesn't hurt that I have the same birthday as her!! Is it a sign?? :)
Lovely post...I adore the mirrors in the last image and I can't wait for the Audrey Tatou version.
weight loss pills
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penis enhancement i must watch this movie!!!
holy moly, i don't even care if it's good or bad, i just MUST see this!
I STILL haven't seen this movie, but you can bet I'll be first in line for the version with Audrey Tautou.
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We also saw this film and as you say, we didn't expect a lot but at last we love it! :-) :-)
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