
It is just like I feared…

Friday, January 16, 2009

Do not think I've forgotten you. I have not! But, as I suspected a few weeks back, January is passing me by in a gigantic blur of incredible busyness. Work has really ramped up in the past few weeks, and while the good news is that I'm still totally loving it – the people, the creativity, the running around town to procure random objects for interesting photo shoots – the bad news is that most of the time, I come home at the end of the day and collapse on the couch to a mix of demanding kitties, cheese-based food products and reruns of House.

Oh, right, and did I mention the world's biggest party is about to be underway, practically in my backyard? It's impossible to be in DC and not catch inauguration fever. Despite the masses of tourists, traffic snarls and obscenely frigid temperatures expected to descend this weekend, I'm incredibly excited to have a front-row seat to such a major event. And, okay, also to have a reason to justify a pretty incredible Phillip Lim dress to sport to one of the big balls.

In any case, the blog has been moved to the the metaphorical backseat for just a tiny bit longer. Although if I get to meet Oprah this weekend, I promise you'll be the first to know! (Well, you, and anyone within a 20 foot radius who will probably hear my squeaks to excitement.)

As for the resolutions? I totally fell off the no-credit-card wagon when I spotted this Alkemie large stingray cuff on sale at Farinelli's in Clarendon last week and didn't have any cash on me. (I'd been eyeing it online forever.) Of course, I immediately misplaced my card after buying it — is that a sign or what? — so I've been pretty good ever since. I'm just telling myself that if Oprah compliments me on the cuff, it will so be totally worth it.

PS) In case you hadn't noticed, I've added my twittering to the sidebar there at your left. I'm trying to keep it fashiony, for the most part. Really, it's the least I can do for being such a poor blogger...


Bethanie said...

Awesome cuff bracelet. It looks worth it to me. Also, can't wait to see pics of that dress!

Rina said...

Wait... can we backtrack? When will Oprah see your cuff?!

Ms. Spinach said...

Well, it's mostly wishful thinking. But word has it she might be at one of the inaugural parties I'm going to this weekend... And I'm pretty sure she's already ensconced at the top floor of the Georgetown Ritz. Here's hoping we bump into each other at Starbucks!

Anonymous said...

The world is jealous of you.

Beth Connolly said...

Which Phillip Lim dress is it or is it a secret?

Ms. Spinach said...

No, not a secret... the Barney's recent ltd edition one... sort of blueish-green chiffon. Floor-length. Ruffles and draping. Possibly still in the window of the G'town Co-op as we type. Very, very pretty.

I have an intensely poufy vintage black cocktail one I'll be wearing to another party Monday night. Promise to try and take pix!

Liberty London Girl said...

C'est tres chic! I shot something very similar for an SS09 fashion story. LLGxx

K M A said...

Woohoo Farinelli's! I love them, and that cuff :)

Beth Connolly said...

I love that Phillip Lim dress but then I am a Phillip Lim addict. Hem the dress though-there is nothing worse at one those Balls than tripping on your dress and having it trampled-hem it a little shorter than usual. Please post pictures!

Anonymous said...

I really like the cuff bracelet, and I'm so jealous that you're going to the inauguration! I would kill to go!! Have fun ;]

I was also wondering if you would be interested in looking at my blog..I'm kinda new to this, and been busy ever since I started it, so it hasn't really reached its full potential. But a look, and some feedback would be much appreciated :}

AusAnna said...

your so lucky to be there for history to take place. you must send us pictures of your dress :)

Vera said...

It's a gorgeous cuff. I'm so happy for you, what a great opportunity to be in DC at this time and have the chance to witness it all first hand, first row :). Can't wait for the pictures!

Anonymous said...

Love the bracelet.

rachel said...

your twitter posts are exciting! i hope you'll be posting pictures soon:)

shill said...

love love love the cuff!!!

The Owl Diary said...

Love your blog. :)

Anonymous said...

oh that cuff is gorgeous!
I was wondering if you
Would like to exchange links?
It would be an honour!
Let me know

Sue | Saras | Sohf Travels said...

Look at the bracelet. Love it!
Thanks for the lovely blog too.

Míriam Juan-Torres said...

that bracelet is gorgeous, I'm loving it!

Nicole Then said...

haha well it looks great! so why not?

Amanda said...

Just so you know, I miss you. I hope you come back soon.

Meds Bee said...

Lovely. I wish I had one!

Anonymous said...

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