
Big! Humongous! Flowers!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

I styled the cover of yesterday's Post Express Styles section, which is always incredibly fun to work on. But I'm especially smitten with the oversized flower headband – uncovered for just $5.80 at Forever 21! – which I suspect will be a staple of my own holiday dress-up this year.


Kate Moore said...

Looks fabbo. Forever 21 you say. They have some good seasonal bits.

vicki archer said...

gorgeous headband, xv.

Leigh said...

I will have to try and snap that up, if there are any left to be snapped!

Ms. Dip said...


Vera said...


Johanna said...


marie said...

pretty!! yes i agree: wear some flowers in your hair...

catherine said...

awesome! is this online anywhere?

Fashion Tidbits said...

the flower is a nice touch

handbagsdealer said...

totally agreed ! pretty picture

EWP said...

I actually bought that headband a couple weeks ago for a holiday party. Great minds I guess :)

Anonymous said...

I love the cover....The headband "makes" the whole outfit. The background is great too.

Sue | Saras | Sohf Travels said...

My colleague wore a huge flower on her dress today. I think it's gorgeous..

EWP said...

Me and my big flower for the holiday party I went to yesterday:

Lola said...

i was just surfing the web and ran across your blog which i love and wanted to invite you to view our store blog on headbands and accessories…thank you so much i would love to hear what you think about our site…..
