Inside the World of Brangelina
Monday, October 20, 2008
When I'm not busy obsessing over slouchy fall boots, I do really enjoy catching up on my celebrity gossip. I'm pretty excited to pick up the new issue of W mag with Ange & fam as photographed by Brad, but I was even more interested in reading up on the backstory. In short: Mr. Pitt insisted on getting 70 rolls of a film that hasn't been manufactured in four years, which in part had to be tracked down and couriered from Tel Aviv to the South of France, and then he wanted another kind of hard-to-find film, which then had to be hand-carried by a W editor to France. I guess when Brad and Ange are giving you an exclusive, you jump through every hoop to make them happy, but really? Makes for some very fascinating tidbits, at the least. You can almost imagine the panic that must have ensued at the W offices every time Brad made a request.
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Yeesh. Those guys do some good and charitable works but ... yeesh. That seems positively prima donna.
I can't help but think of how many orphans could have been clothed and fed for the cost of the film and the flights!
Perhaps Brad Pitt is going to be branching into photography as a new career path- the images were amazing!
Old film IS amazing though. And that picture is so lovely!
as someone who's taking many art/photography classes...i don't see what's so great about his photos... they're very posed...and cliche... kind of like how angelie jolie and brad pitt are...don't they have a 100 million dollar house in france?
but i love your blog...and also recommend : she's a college student in dc who has very fops & dandies like fashion sense..
lovely picturee<3
Oh my. DO films differ that much really? Brad seems to have lost his reality.
juliet xxx
I think the photograph looks pretty natural...
..and your blog is kinda great! <3
i love the photo, i think the reels of film were worth it to capture such beautiful art.
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This issue is sitting on my table. I now need to go home and read the story.
Brad needs to get over himself. these two just need to go somewhere and raise their kids . just stop already. Yes we know they are perfect, have the perfect family , perfect life and want every opportunity to shove it in peoples faces. And yes Brad , we know you are uber-talented and a professional in every thing you do, you blow away all other photographers that spend a lifetime mastering their craft. You put them all to shame with your amazing spread in W which probablly took you a weekend to do.
nuff said.
This photography is beautiful, I guess he's a bit of a photo fanatic.
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wow, i had no idea! this is such a sweet photo, though :)
W Magazine sure does love themselves some Brangelina. I loved this idea!
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A.E 頂級髮藝
A.E 頂級髮藝
That is one freaky picture.
I think it was for nothing. If Brad was such an artist, he should've known better than to spend all that film, being such a rare one!
But then again.. I do love Angie...
I'll make you part of my weekly linkage ;)
Yeah, I wondered too, all that flying about is bad for the planet. But I was a sucker for the pics. And I LOVED the art in that issue. Especially Roni Horn.
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