
Big Changes are Afoot.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I've been a bit quiet lately, but there's big news: Earlier this week, I started as a full-time editor over at FW, the Post's new fashion glossy. That has meant a lot of time wrapping up any last freelance assignments (except for Lucky – I'm happy to report that I'm keeping that gig) and, of course, ramping up my work wardrobe. I hope you'll bear with me as I adjust to this whole "day job" thingy – in return, I promise to squander at least some of my salary on lovely, frivolous things. Like, say, these appealingly whimsical Corso Como bow-tie booties. With dark tights and a LBD? Why yes, please.


Unknown said...

Congrats on the "Day Job"- sounds very exciting, except for the part where you can't post as much during the day! What will I read while I am at my day job?!?

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I love FW!! And now it'll be even better, I'm sure :) When will your first publication come out?! I'm so excited..

Anonymous said...

Oh I love these booties too! I saw these on and fell in love. I think I'll be getting them in black.

Also, congrats on the day job. What a great day job though. I would love to become an editor. And I don't blame you for keeping the Lucky gig.

Ms. Dip said...

YOU. Are a rockstar! Congrats, Ms. Spinach!!

Laura Carney said...


Love your fashion blog! (Just discovered it on facebook). I started one recently, too ... would you mind checking it out, and if you like it, adding it to your blogroll? I will absolutely add yours to mine.


Johanna said...

Congrats on the new job, ladybird! The FW is so very fortunate to have you on-board. Can't wait to see the next Betsy-influenced issue :)


Anonymous said...

ooh your life changes sound exciting! those shoes are delicious!

Anonymous said...

Big time congrats!

Velvet said...

Um, okay, now I understand why the Posts Fashion Mag is so good. At first unveiling I was wondering how they were going to pull that off, because, you know, it's the Post. But now it makes sense! Awesome. You are doing a great job (on Lucky too!)

Anonymous said...

I saw these boots at Nordstrom Rack a couple days ago...

Panda Head said...

Sooooo rad! Congratulations x infinity...

Righteous (re)Style said...

Congrats! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

Congrats....I want those booties pretty bad....

Always In Style said...


Love the shoes - perfect with opaque black tights!

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm in love with these shoes..<3

cassandra said...

congrats, and WOW, do i love those shoes!!!

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Congratulations on the job!!! So exciting! and very fun to plan the work wardrobe!

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Nicole Then said...

although I have no idea at all how to wear it. i think it's so pretty!!

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Oh so cute!!

Worth investing in! Congrats on the day job.

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