Having found myself with a little extra time lately, I've plunged headfirst into the World of Making Things. Whether it's slightly misshapen pillowcases or experimenting with spray paint, my projects have been pretty fun — and pretty educational. As in, I now know the wrong way to do a lot of things, from experience. {oof}
But my best work so far? This pair of benches, constructed from a few cut pieces of wood and paired with a vintage chrome-edged table from the Salvation Army. I drilled, I painted, I stenciled — and I dream of moving the whole thing out into the middle of my friends (and neighbors) Amy and Siwat's increasingly pretty backyard, sitting with friends, drinking wine and eating snacks under the big, leafy tree. I have a big imagination when it comes to entertaining.
Here they are in various stages. More, nicer pictures when that gathering under the tree is fully realized.

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