
Lust List: Bags and Jewels and Peter Pan Collars, oh my!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I've missed you, dear readers! Please know that it has been a crazy month, complete with travel — to Houston, Austin, L.A., Nebraska and NYC, for starters — and tons o' work and so much shopping (especially with stocking up for our next Butler & Claypool vintage sale). Plus, I met Alexa Chung at Madewell D.C., and that made me giddy enough to completely forget about blogging for awhile. Whoops.

But I'm back! And I have some fun things coming this week, starting with: my recent obsessions. Much of my shopping lately has been of the vintage variety, but that doesn't mean I'm not lusting after some very cool pieces. That I can't afford. (Except the collar.) Because I spent my money on vintage instead. Still, if I will the lottery (heck, if I get a winning scratch-off ticket), here's what I'm getting:

(Clockwise from top left)
1. Kristin leather round satchel, Coach, $698.

2. Emerson Made white tux, $238.

3. Asos leather peter pan collar, $26.19.

4. Kate Spade aquamarine studs, $195.

Dear lottery fairy godmother, please and thank you. xoxo

1 comment :

Diamond Stud said...

Love the studs, although I have never seen aquamarines in a whitish color. Quite unusual and a contrast to a pair of four prong diamond studs!