So. Hey. August! (Er. Mid-August!) It has been a crazy summer — one of frequent travel, and life changes, and somewhat boring fashion, as has been somewhat required by the travel and life changes. Also, it appears I morphed into Worst. Blogger. Ever! (probably due to a lack of inspiration, no thanks to the boring fashion. Seriously, I recently bought both a pair of khakis and a backpack. Shoot me now.)
But it's also been a time of fun — pool parties, hamburgers, some decent thrifting in Houston, where I spend a lot of time lately — and I have to admit, there's been a liiiiittle shopping. Without more excuses, here's been on my must-have list these past few months.
Tom's Shoes. I am a late convert, I know. But these shoes are *amazing*. Comfortable, simple, plus every pair you buy donates a second pair to a needy kid. Sorry, poorly shod commuters, but you have no excuse to commute in flip-flops anymore.

Vintage Victor Costa. Vintage hunters are always a little hesitant to give up their favorite resources, but this is a must-share. I'm absolutely obsessed with vintage Victor Costa cocktail dresses, which I keep uncovering at thrift stores (and occasionally on eBay — like the one I just bought below). Super-glam, undeniably dramatic, and yet classically simply. Pouf skirts galore, and the occasional bow! Sold.

Alexander Wang's Darcy hobo bag. I die.

D.C. designer Kristi Love. I love when I discover a new (to me) local talent; supporting small designers who make amazing stuff just feels so much more fun than going to the mall. D.C.'s artsy-hip leaders, The Pink Line Project, just sponsored a pop-up shop called the Temporium, where I found an area designer I'd not met before. I'm hooked — and I maaaay have just ordered the jumper below (I tried on the sample at Temporium, below: perfection!).

Well-fitting men's shirts. I don't touch on men's fashion nearly enough, so here's a bone for you guys out there. Temporium also housed another local favorite — innovative men's shirtmaker Hugh & Crye. I don't think I'll rest until I get all my guy friends into one (or five) of their styles. From the slimmer fits, to the cool collars (cutaway! spread! ones with actual style!), to their innovative community service campaigns, they're absolutely one of my favorite finds.

Great post, Betsy! I've got a serious case of fashion envy with the jumper. And I am with you on the Toms + Victor Costa love. I also have to say that you picked a handsome fellow down there modeling Pranav's shirts... my fiance Brandon! Too funny. Glad you are ba-ack!
Ms Spinach!
I hope you will share your Houston thrifting secrets. I have been sadly disappointed... maybe I am shopping in the wrong area? Help!
My favorite spot is Leopard Lounge on Westheimer (in Montrose, I think?). I find ah-may-zing stuff there! And, there's a tiny costume/vintage store just down the street, near Anvil Bar, that's stuffed but fab.
I stop by every Goodwill I see -- haven't had a huge amount of luck, but I usually can dig up one or or two good things per trip.
Hope that helps! I haven't made it out much, but these are my go-to spots.
Gorgeous picks!
juliet xxx
Thanks for the tips! I'll check them out!
That romper looks really good on.
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These are great looking clothing apparel, but I really like the look of the men's shirts! It is such a classy look and great color!
Hello! I am new to reading your blog! I am a Denver native who also started a fashion blog- Fashion Folio-, back in August of 2009. You are truly an inspiration and obviously have a distinct voice, which I am already loving! I have had you on my blogroll for a while, but have finally found time to visit pages! P.S.- I have also blogged about Tom's shoes several times on my blog! I have a pair and purchased a pair for my best friend this Christmas- they are the most comfy shoes, but I hardly wear them...being a fashionista and all. :) Happy reading and Happy New Year! I look forward to reading many more of your posts!
Glorianna Schinagl
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