
All our Vintage Best Wishes for the New Year

Friday, December 31, 2010

Well, that was some year, huh? Not a particularly good one from a blogging perspective -- and, at least early on, from a life perspective -- but it worked out very well, except for the blogging part. And so! 2011! I'm anticipating great things.

Thanks to all for your patience and support as we sorted out lives and wardrobes, resettled ourselves in new apartments and new jobs, and made D.C. a real home (with a regular nod to Houston and New Orleans).

We hope to be back better than ever in January. Or, at least, back. Or, perhaps, continuing this little break. Only the New Year knows, but thanks for sticking with us.

ms spinach

PS) And a happy vintagey new year to all! {Courtesy of Mrs. Obama in a vintage Normal Norell dress! Full-skirted tulle! We die.}


Sara said...

Happy New Year to you as well. I used to love reading your blog. It's just not a daily check for me any longer. I understand you are on to bigger and better things. Good luck in this wonderful new year!

Marie Söderberg said...

happy new year as well, Im soo glad I found your pix..

artdecodiamonds said...

I love the michelle's earrings.... they are fantatsic!

Unknown said...

I love this lady she is such a wonderful woman! Great blog and great blog post! Lots of love from Kissmanchester xx