
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Non-buyer's Remorse

I occasionally have some buyer's remorse. Though truthfully, I can't think of a single purchase that I really regret but I'm sure it's happened from time to time (what can I say? I love everything!). More often than not, I have non-buyer's remorse: I wait and wait to buy something and then, when I'm ready and financially able, it's gone. Case in point 1: I'm still lamenting the sold-outness of Talla's steel citrus bag, as I was hoping it would go a liiiittttle bit more on sale and then I would snap it up in a classic display of bargain shopping. (I scored two really great bags from Talla this way last season, so there was precedent, you see.) Alas, it's gone. But there's still a chance to get some of Talla's other extremley great hand-printed products on sale (note: I've seen the large cosmetic bag in person and it makes a perfectly cute clutch). And I'm going to assume a new collection is due any day now, so keep your eyes open.


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